Dukan diet - what kind of cheese can you eat? Dukan cheese. Dukan curd cheese

Dukan diet - what kind of cheese can you eat? Dukan cheese. Dukan curd cheese


Many girls, when going on a diet, begin to strictly limit themselves and eventually break down. But it’s so easy to choose a diet that allows you to pamper yourself with some favorite product. Many people love cheese, but it is prohibited on a diet due to its high fat content and calorie content. Dukan cheese, the recipe for which you will find in this article, is not only very tasty and tender, but also a low-calorie, permitted product. Lose weight deliciously!

A little about the Dukan diet

The diet, developed by the French nutritionist Pierre Dukan, is high-protein, that is, the consumption of carbohydrates during it is sharply reduced. The diet is divided into 4 stages:

  • attack - eating strictly protein foods;
  • alternation - alternately consuming pure proteins and proteins mixed with allowed carbohydrates (mostly vegetables) on different days;
  • consolidation - a whole range of permitted products is added;
  • stabilization - this stage no longer has strict restrictions on food, but you should eat in small portions.

Throughout the diet, you need to drink plenty of clean water and consume oat bran.

Cheese according to Dukan: recipe for hard homemade cheese

Delicious cheese that will please not only people who watch their diet, but also the whole family, is easy to prepare. To do this, take three liters of milk, a liter of kefir (all dairy products, according to the rules of the diet, are low-fat), 6 eggs, 4 teaspoons of salt. Pour the milk into the pan and, stirring, bring it to a boil. Beat eggs and kefir using a mixer or blender. Pour the resulting mixture into boiling milk and bring to a boil again. Place clean gauze at the bottom of the colander and drain the milk. The cheese whey you need will remain at the bottom of the dish. Wait for excess water to drain. Homemade cheese according to Dukan, the recipe for which you have read, must be placed under pressure for about 7 hours. The finished product is very tender and tasty. If you have made this cheese more than once and are tired of its taste, try diversifying the recipe by adding different seasonings.

Dukan curd cheese

If you are tired of the traditional recipe, try making nutritious and soft Dukan Cheese, the recipe for which you are about to read, is very aromatic. To prepare it, take 0.5 liters of milk, 0.5 kg of dry eggs, 0.5 teaspoons of salt and baking soda, herbs and seasonings as desired. Milk and cottage cheese should be heated well in a saucepan and placed on cheesecloth. When the resulting mass has cooled, squeeze out excess moisture from it. Mix eggs and remaining ingredients and add to cottage cheese. Place the mixture in a saucepan and turn on low heat. Remove any lumps that form from time to time. Then cover the pan and refrigerate until completely set. Dukan cheese, the recipe for which you have read, tastes very pleasant.

How to make processed cheese?

To prepare, take 0.5 kg of cottage cheese (do not forget that we take all dairy products only low-fat), 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons of milk, 1 tsp. soda, salt to taste, herbs. Mix cottage cheese with soda and leave for one hour. Then add eggs, milk, and salt to the cottage cheese. Beat the mixture with a mixer. Place the resulting mixture in a water bath. Cook the cheese over low heat. Don't forget to stir constantly! When the mass becomes homogeneous, remove it from the heat and let cool. The Dukan processed cheese, the recipe for which you see, is perfect for breakfast, especially in combination with the bran bread you have prepared.

What to cook with tofu cheese?

If you don't feel like making your own homemade cheese, you can eat tofu on the Dukan Diet. This one is low in calories but can quickly restore energy after a workout. Plus, it's an excellent option for breakfast. What recipes with Dukan tofu exist?

  1. Salad with tomatoes and tofu. Cut the cheese and tomatoes into squares. Prepare a sauce from vinegar, sweetener and garlic. This sauce needs to be simmered a little over low heat. Season the salad with it, add a little olive oil. If you are already tired of this option, you can add a little fresh cucumber. Of course, such a dish is consumed only on protein-vegetable days.
  2. Omelette. Beat eggs, salt and spices, add chopped tofu to them. Heat a frying pan (you can use a splash of olive oil) and pour the mixture into it. Sprinkle the finished omelette with finely chopped herbs.
  3. Chicken soup. Boil the chicken breast. Beat the egg into the broth. At the end of cooking, add finely chopped tofu and another chopped boiled egg to the pan. For flavor, add garlic and a little lemon juice to the soup.

As you can see, going on a diet does not mean eating monotonously and tastelessly. The diet proposed by nutritionist Pierre Dukan is chosen by millions of people all over the world. If you adhere to the established rules strictly, the result will appear very quickly.

  • low-fat cottage cheese, well squeezed from moisture - 600 g;
  • skim milk - 40 ml or 2 large spoons;
  • regular baking soda - 1 teaspoon;
  • fresh chicken eggs - 2 pieces;
  • salt - a small pinch.

How to cook...

  1. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, adding the entire portion of soda to it. Let the mixture sit for about an hour.
  2. Beat the eggs into the cottage cheese, pour in the milk and add salt - mix thoroughly.
  3. Place the bowl with the workpiece in a steam bath and keep it until the mass becomes plastic. To make the cottage cheese grains disperse faster, stir the mixture constantly.
  4. Place the liquid cheese into small food containers and place them in the refrigerator.

Dukan cottage cheese can be flavored with any spices - they must be added to the mass before putting the bowl on steam.

Dukan hard cheese made from kefir

Another cheese that you can make yourself is made from:

  • skim milk (3 l),
  • kefir (1 l),
  • eggs (5 pcs.),
  • salt (1 tsp).

How to cook...

  1. and mix with a whisk. Add salt to them.
  2. Pour the milk into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  3. Pour whipped kefir into boiling milk in a thin stream - stir the mixture all the time.
  4. Bring the contents of the pan to a boil and cook for 7 minutes.
  5. Throw the curdled milk with kefir and eggs into a colander lined with two layers of gauze.
  6. Let the cheese free itself from excess moisture - this will take about an hour.
  7. Place the clot directly in gauze on a flat plate - set it slightly inclined.
  8. Place a wooden cutting board on the cheese, and place a pressure in the form of a jar of water on it.
  9. After 5 hours, transfer the hard cheese to the refrigerator.

Homemade Dukan cheese is very tasty. If you don’t have time to prepare it, then buy Tofu cheese at the store.

Tofu cheese - use in the Dukan diet

Dukan considers tofu cheese to be the most suitable product in the line of cheeses; it can be used from “Attack” to “Stabilization”. The cheese is made from soybeans, which contain much more protein than eggs, fish or beef. Some nutritionists even call tofu cheese "protein concentrate."

Soy vegetable protein is almost completely absorbed by the body. It helps lower cholesterol, dissolves gallstones, normalizes kidney function, and increases hemoglobin. And of course, the protein found in cheese helps build muscle mass. Any diet assumes that the body will get rid of fat deposits, and the muscles will remain in place and strengthen.

Homemade Tofu Cheese

You can make healthy soy cheese yourself. To do this, take one glass of dry soy concentrate and fill it with one glass of cold water. Stir the mixture until smooth, and then add two more glasses of water, but this time boiling. Place the mixed mixture on the fire again and cook very slowly for 15 minutes. When the pan is removed from the heat, pour six tablespoons of lemon juice into it. At this moment, the hot mass will begin to curl up - this is how it should be. Place it on a sieve and let the water drain. As a result, you will have one cup of homemade Tofu cheese.

You can find another recipe for making Tofu cheese for the Dukan diet in the video below.





For many, including me, buying low-fat hard cheese in a store is a big problem. When I read in the comments that people were selling it, I sighed heavily. In our diet stores there is 9% cheese, but firstly, you need to go specially for it, and although the diet requires up to 7%, turning a blind eye to the difference, this is still an additional supplement.

This cheese can be eaten from Ataki.


  • Dry low-fat cottage cheese – 500 g
  • Milk up to 1.5% - 500 ml
  • Yolks - 2 pcs.
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp. (I put a little more, about 2/3 tsp.)
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp.


To avoid unnecessary questions about cottage cheese, I’ll show you which one I used.

It is dry, not pasty, but crumbly.

Bring milk to a boil and add cottage cheese.

Heat until the whey separates.

Heating time may vary depending on the original products. Boil until victorious.

When I studied recipes, I came across reviews that “the cottage cheese dissolved in the milk and nothing came of it.”

Most likely, the cottage cheese was used as a paste. In this case, I will try to advise you to pour a glass of kefir into the boiling mass and continue cooking. The whey may separate. But it is better to use suitable dry cottage cheese.

This is how my serum turned out.

Drain the cottage cheese into a cloth-lined colander.

You can use the serum somehow.

I pour it out because I often cook cottage cheese, I have it in excess.

Without cooling, add the yolks, salt and soda to the cottage cheese.

Stir until the soda begins to melt the cottage cheese.

We put it on the fire and, as advised in the recipe, warm it up for just a minute with constant stirring.

I ended up with this mass. It is tight and falls into a lump.

Already at this stage it would be possible to press the cheese. But I was seized by an experimental spirit and decided that I needed a more homogeneous mass. There was no point in heating it on the stove - only the lower part of the lump came into contact with the heated bottom.

Then I transferred the mass into a microwaveable saucepan and several times for 30 seconds. warmed it up and stirred until the mass began to stretch.

Although a few curds are visible, I’m already satisfied with that.

I transfer the cheese into a container. Grease it with oil or cover it with paper or polyethylene to make it easier to remove.

After cooling, the cheese can be cut and grated immediately.

I got it 300 g.

This is how it is cut,

and so it rubs. It looks like parmesan, very hard!

And I sprinkled it on the salad - delicious!

Bon appetit!

Recipe fromIrina Tamarina

Hi all! I'm glad to see you on the pages of my blog.

The recipe for homemade Dukan cheese, which we will prepare today, caught my eye in the very first days of the diet. But at that time I was confused by the large number of products needed to prepare it. At that time I was still a beginner “Ducanovo” and decided to leave the recipe for later.

Don't repeat my mistake!

This cheese is incredibly tasty, and most importantly, it is suitable for any stage of the Dukan diet. It is very easy to prepare and will delight not only you, but also your loved ones.

Dukan diet recipes: Dukan homemade cheese

Making homemade cheese according to Dukan:

I usually make homemade cheese from Valio milk 1.5% and Odari kefir 0.5%.

  • Bring the milk to a boil over medium heat - it is better to use a saucepan with a capacity of at least 5-6 liters; the milk must be stirred periodically to prevent it from burning. I stirred with a silicone spatula: it covers a larger area of ​​the bottom when stirring, thereby reducing the risk of burning;
  • While the milk is boiling, beat the eggs with kefir with a mixer;
  • Line a colander with gauze.

When the milk boils, pour in the beaten eggs with kefir, add salt and stirring all the time, bring to a boil over high heat. The cheese mass should be well separated from the whey. I have cooked this cheese many times already and the approximate time from the moment of pouring in the whipped mass to the moment of removing from the heat is 5-7 minutes.

Drain the resulting cheese into a colander lined with gauze and let it drain for 10-15 minutes. The main water leaves immediately, so there is no need to wait long. I tried to squeeze it out with my hands, but I don’t recommend doing this - it’s very hot!

Then the cheese should be placed under pressure directly in gauze. The pan in which the cheese was cooked is best suited for this. Let me make a reservation right away that a three-liter jar filled with water will not work - this weight will not be enough for the cheese to be well compressed. For oppression you need a 5-6 liter pan filled with water, then you are guaranteed an excellent result!

Keep the cheese under pressure for at least 5-6 hours. Keep refrigerated.

From this amount of products I got 820 grams. homemade cheese according to Dukan.

Now comes the fun part! The taste of this cheese is very reminiscent of the well-known Adyghe cheese - slightly salty and very tender, and if you rub it a little with coarse salt, you will get a real homemade cheese. I do this: I cut the resulting cheese into 2 halves and lightly rub one with salt.

Adyghe cheese can be eaten immediately after you have removed the oppression and freed the cheese from the gauze after 5-6 hours, but homemade cheese should be left to soak in salt for 2-3 hours.

Bon appetit!

Low-fat dairy products are one of the nutritional elements during this protein diet. The Dukan homemade cheese recipe includes a small amount of ingredients, so preparing it is not difficult.

Processed cottage cheese

Processed cheese according to Dukan is a high-protein product that can be eaten already at the Attack stage. To prepare it, take 600 g of cottage cheese (it must be dry and low-fat) and 40 ml of milk with a fat content of 1.5%. You will also need 1 tsp. soda, half the norm of salt and 2 eggs. You can use dry spices to add a piquant taste.

Place the cottage cheese in a metal bowl, sprinkle with baking soda and rub thoroughly with a spoon. The resulting mass needs to settle (it will take 1 hour). Then add eggs, spices, milk, table or sea salt to the mixture. Knead the mixture with your hands until you obtain a more or less homogeneous consistency. Place the dishes in a water bath and heat the mixture, stirring it constantly. During the heat treatment, the cottage cheese particles should completely dissolve. When the consistency of the mass becomes homogeneous, pour it into a mold, let it cool and put it in the refrigerator.

Hard cheese made from kefir

How to make cheese according to Dukan? The recipe below is based on kefir (1 l) and milk (3 l). Both products must have a minimum percentage of fat content. You will also need eggs (5 pcs.) and salt (add it to taste, on average 3-4 tsp are consumed for the indicated amount of food).

Pour the milk into a large saucepan, place over medium heat and bring to a boil. Beat the eggs with kefir, pour the resulting mixture into the milk, add salt and bring to a boil over high heat, stirring. You will have to cook the cheese for about 5-7 minutes (from the moment you add the egg mass) - the whey should separate well from the thick mass, so determine the time yourself. Line a colander with several layers of gauze and pour the cheese mixture into it. Place a colander over the container so that the whey drips into it little by little (it will take about a quarter of an hour). Cover the top of the cheese with the edges of the gauze and apply pressure (the weight of the load is about 5 kg). The liquid will be released for 5...6 hours. Place the cheese in the refrigerator.

Adyghe cheese in a slow cooker

Adyghe cheese according to Dukan’s recipe can be prepared in a slow cooker. Take sour milk - 2 liters (the product should have minimal fat content). You will also need eggs (3 pieces) and about 15 g of salt. Pour sour milk into the bowl. Beat eggs with salt until foamy. Pour them into the milk and stir with a silicone spatula. Turn on the Baking mode (optimal cooking time is 25 minutes). Place the cheese in a colander lined with gauze and place pressure on top. You can rub the resulting block with coarse salt, or you can skip this step. Place the cheese in the refrigerator.

Anyone can make Dukan cheese - the process is extremely simple and does not require any special cooking skills. All recipes can be used in everyday nutrition (without dieting).

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