Recipes for nutritional cocktails in a blender. Milkshakes in a blender are delicious mixes. TOP of the coolest recipes with photos. Pumpkin milkshake

Recipes for nutritional cocktails in a blender. Milkshakes in a blender are delicious mixes. TOP of the coolest recipes with photos. Pumpkin milkshake


Giving up sweets is one of the most difficult challenges that anyone who loses weight has to face. Fortunately, there are many delicious cocktails that can satisfy your sweet tooth without harming your figure.

Such cocktails are not just dietary, but also healthy. They contain many substances and components that are valuable for health, speed up metabolism, and, therefore, help you lose calories. Drinking such drinks for breakfast will have a positive effect on the body and will give you a good mood for the whole day.

They will be an excellent treat for breakfast, a healthy snack during the day when it is not possible to eat anything healthy for your figure. You can take cocktails prepared in a blender with you to work or school.

The proposed recipes for cocktails and smoothies have a balanced composition that has a fat-burning effect. Thanks to the inclusion of such “desserts” in the weight loss menu, the diet ceases to be associated with a painful feeling of hunger and tasteless food.

Recipes for delicious diet cocktails

You will need:

  • banana;
  • 1/2 cup chopped cabbage;
  • 1/3 cup prepared oatmeal;
  • almonds, blueberries, cocoa.


Fill the blender with water to the maximum level. Add all the listed ingredients and beat to a puree consistency.

You will need:

  • scoop of chocolate protein shake;
  • 1/2 cup each low-fat milk and peanut butter;
  • six ice cubes.


Blend everything for about two minutes or until the lumps of butter are completely crushed.

Can be prepared with peaches or strawberries.

You will need:

  • peeled carrots, banana and orange;
  • half a glass of spinach;
  • 1 spoon of hemp seeds;
  • 5 spoons of pumpkin seeds.


The components are beaten either with water or with skim boiled milk.

This drink allows you to lose weight. You can lose up to three kilograms in a week.

You will need:

  • pear and apple without peel;
  • banana with cabbage;
  • a full spoon of flaxseed.


Place the ingredients in a blender filled to the maximum level with water and blend until smooth.

You will need:

  • 5 ice cubes;
  • 1 teaspoon instant coffee;
  • 2 spoons of chocolate flavored protein mixture;
  • half a glass of cold water.


Beat all ingredients in a blender for one and a half minutes.

A drink that energizes you for the whole day, recommended for consumption in the morning.

You will need:

  • (skimmed) lean milk;
  • fresh yogurt and ripe bananas.


Beat yogurt with bananas in a blender, pour in a small amount of milk.

You will need:

  • cold water or 8 ice cubes;
  • a glass of blueberries;
  • half a glass of peaches, raspberries, low-fat vanilla yogurt;
  • a couple of teaspoons of vanilla extract;
  • a teaspoon of lemon juice.


Place everything in a blender and blend for one minute. Blueberry mania is ready.

You will need:

  • peeled and chopped medium pitaya;
  • 2 chopped medium plums;
  • 1/2 cup coconut water and 1/4 cup crushed ice.


Beat everything in a blender until a puree forms.

You will need:

  • chopped half of peeled grapefruit;
  • half a glass of chopped watermelon pulp;
  • coconut water;
  • a couple of ice cubes;
  • a teaspoon of squeezed lime juice.


Pour coconut water into the blender bowl to the maximum mark, add fruit and ice, blend for several minutes.

You will need:

  • 1/2 cup each chopped pineapple and melon pulp;
  • half a chopped orange;
  • sprig of mint.


Place all the fruits in a blender bowl filled to the maximum with water and blend for no more than 12 seconds. Serve the drink with an orange slice and mint.

A drink with a very piquant taste, giving a feeling of fullness.

You will need:

  • tomato and carrot;
  • half a small beetroot and a stalk of celery;
  • a glass of spinach and a quarter glass of parsley;
  • one and a half glasses of water.


Add all ingredients and beat for about 30 seconds until the mixture is smooth.

It is prepared with “dahi” - yogurt passed through a cloth to remove whey, also called Greek or filtered.

You will need:

  • 450 ml freshly squeezed orange juice;
  • a teaspoon of lecithin;
  • half a glass of dahi;
  • a couple of teaspoons (teaspoons) of vanilla extract;
  • scoop of vanilla protein mixture.


Mix all the listed ingredients for half a minute or a little more.

You will need:

  • half a glass of pineapple pulp and a mixture of strawberries and blueberries;
  • spoon of vanilla protein mixture;
  • 6 pieces of ice cubes;
  • a glass of unsweetened vanilla milk.


First, beat the berries with pineapple and the protein mixture for half a minute, and then add ice and milk to them and beat again for about a minute.

You can use not only citrus fruits, but also pineapple. The drink contains fast carbohydrates, but promotes weight loss.

You will need:

  • Greek yogurt;
  • granulated sugar;
  • peeled grapefruit.


Combine yogurt with grapefruit and grind in a blender, sweeten.

A refreshing drink that gives a feeling of fullness and promotes weight loss.


  • half a carrot, paprika, celery stalk;
  • a couple of cilantro leaves;
  • 1/4 lime and onion each;
  • a glass of spinach;
  • tomato;
  • one and a half glasses of water.


Beat everything for about 40 seconds.

Drink immediately after whipping.

You will need:

  • orange and three strawberries;
  • a quarter of grapefruit and two handfuls of spinach;
  • 1/4 cup raspberries;
  • spoon of chia seeds.


Beat the ingredients with one and a half glasses of water until smooth.

Gives a positive charge of energy, invigorates, saturates and is great for those who want to lose weight.

You will need:

  • 1 teaspoon chlorella algae;
  • 5 mint leaves;
  • 1/2 cup cabbage;
  • half an avocado.


Fill the blender bowl with water, add all the ingredients, beat for a minute until the consistency becomes homogeneous.

The best smoothie recipes for weight loss

Eighteen excellent thick drinks from vegetables and fruits, prepared in a blender, will diversify your menu and help you get rid of extra pounds.

  • approximately 1.2 centimeters of ginger root;
  • half a pear and a stalk of celery;
  • half a glass of water;
  • 3 leaves of fresh parsley;
  • a drop of apple cider vinegar.


Beat all ingredients until pureed. This takes about half a minute.

Use fresh - immediately after preparation.

You will need:

  • half each chopped and peeled banana and pear;
  • skim milk;
  • half a cup of strawberries, halved.


In a couple of seconds, mix everything in a blender. Serve with strawberry and pear slices.

You will need:

  • half a peeled and chopped banana and an apple;
  • chopped kiwi without peel;
  • a quarter glass of crushed ice;
  • 1/2 cup almond milk.


Pour milk and fruit into a blender, add crushed ice to the bowl. Mix the mass for 10-12 seconds.

You will need:

  • medium sized kiwi, diced;
  • half a glass of chopped broccoli;
  • half a peeled and chopped pear.


Place fruit and broccoli in a bowl filled with water. Mix everything for 10-12 seconds.

You will need:

  • half a chopped carrot;
  • a couple of celery stalks;
  • half a glass of tangerine slices.


Fill the blender bowl to the brim with water and blend for at least 15 seconds until a puree forms.

In the summer heat, this thick drink can be topped with ice.

You will need:

  • a couple of glasses of honey melon pulp;
  • 0.5 liters of unsweetened almond milk with vanilla flavor;
  • a glass of steamed young cabbage;
  • a teaspoon of chia seeds and a banana.


Blend the ingredients in the blender for two minutes to form a thick drink.

You will need:

  • grated carrots;
  • chopped pear without peel;
  • orange with seeds removed;
  • 240 ml unsweetened almond milk;
  • a quarter of a glass of dry oatmeal flakes.


First, pour the milk into the blender, and then add the remaining ingredients. Beat the ingredients for half a minute at high speed until pureed.

You will need:

  • banana and orange;
  • a glass of frozen blueberries;
  • chopped apple;
  • 6 ice cubes.


Blend the fruits and berries in a blender until a smooth consistency is formed.

You will need:

  • half a grapefruit and a peeled pear;
  • half a glass of fresh cherries with pits removed;
  • 125 ml skim milk.


Pour milk and add all ingredients. Mix the drink for up to 12 seconds. Serve the smoothie with a cherry or a slice of grapefruit.

You will need:

  • half a peeled and chopped apple;
  • half a glass of chopped zucchini;
  • medium kiwi fruit;
  • coconut water.


To prepare this nutritious diet drink, simply blend the fruit and zucchini in a blender filled with coconut water for 10-12 seconds.

Served with apple slices.

You will need:

  • a glass of chopped cabbage;
  • chopped banana and apple without peel;
  • coconut water to the top of the bowl.


To get this drink, add all the ingredients and whisk. 12-17 seconds is enough.

You will need:

  • chopped banana half;
  • a glass of frozen strawberries.


Fill the blender to the maximum line with coconut water. Add all ingredients and beat for about 10-12 seconds.

You will need:

  • chopped banana;
  • 1/4 cup oatmeal flakes;
  • 1/2 cup each of skim milk and yogurt;
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon;
  • a couple of dessert spoons of honey.


Beat all products until you obtain a puree-like consistency. Serve with banana.

A tasty and nutritious drink allows you to enjoy your diet and lose excess body weight. Make it regularly, serving it with grapes.

You will need:

  • chopped medium apricot;
  • half a glass of seedless grapes;
  • 1/2 cup almond milk;
  • 1/4 cup crushed ice.


Place the listed ingredients in a blender and blend for 10-12 seconds.

This thick drink is served chilled.

You will need:

  • a small piece of celery;
  • half a glass of young spinach;
  • half a peeled apple, chopped;
  • half a chopped medium cucumber.


Fill a blender full with coconut water, add fruits and vegetables. Beat for a few minutes until smooth.

You should drink this thick drink immediately after preparation. It can be served with raspberries or chopped pineapple.

You will need:

  • half a glass of pineapple pulp;
  • half a banana;
  • a quarter of a glass of frozen raspberries;
  • a full glass of ice cubes;
  • half a glass of water and skim (lean) milk.


Place all of the listed products in a blender. Beat until you get a mass with a homogeneous consistency.

It doesn’t matter whether you are a child or an adult, you may not like milk, but you are unlikely to refuse a milkshake.

Besides the fact that milkshake is very delicious, he is also useful.

The very first step to making a milkshake is blender. With its help you can make an excellent drink using ice cream milk, kefir, cream or yogurt, i.e. any dairy product.

When preparing a milkshake, you can experiment interestingly by adding fresh fruits, berries, various types of syrup and so on.

How to make a milkshake in a blender

The simplest recipe for making a milkshake consists of 2 elements: ice cream and milk.

You will need:

250 grams of creamy ice cream

1 liter of milk

Beat these ingredients in a blender until you get foam. Drink cold.

(*) You choose how much milk to use yourself.

(*) You can add fruit juices, coffee, chocolate.

(*) To prepare a fruit cocktail, simply add syrup to the already whipped mixture and blend again in a blender.

(*) You can also use different types of ice cream (pistachio, melon, caramel, creme brulee, etc.).

(*) Nothing stops you from mixing several types of ice cream to get a new taste.

1. Cool the milk to +6 degrees before using it, but don’t make it too cold either.

2. It is advisable to beat the milkshake ingredients at high speed.

3. If you add fruit, berries or ice, be sure to strain the drink through a strainer to get rid of seeds and pieces of ice.

4. If you're on a diet, you can make a low-calorie smoothie using low-fat kefir or skim milk with fruit juice. You can also add pieces of unsweetened fruit such as apple, kiwi or strawberry.

How to make a milkshake (video)

How to make a cranberry milkshake (video)

Milkshake with ice cream and fruits

200 grams of ice cream

0.5 liters of drinking yoghurt

1-2 cups of fruit (strawberries, bananas, etc.)

Mix everything in a blender.

Homemade milkshake with coffee and honey

This cocktail is called "Black Gold"

1 liter of milk

200 grams of ice cream

A cup of strong coffee (2-4 teaspoons)

100 grams of liquid honey

Mix everything in a blender.

Banana milkshake

2 bananas

2 glasses of milk

300 grams of ice cream

Blend the bananas in a blender. Mix them with milk and ice cream and beat again.

(*) You can enrich this drink with nuts. For this, use 1/2 cup of walnuts. They need to be crushed, added to all the ingredients in a blender and blended.

(*) You can also add a little sugar and just a little cinnamon.

Homemade milkshake with carrots

For this super healthy carrot milkshake you will need:

1 glass of milk

50 grams vanilla ice cream

Carrots and sugar

Grate the carrots on a fine grater. Add all ingredients to a blender and blend.

Making a milkshake with Nutella

1/2 cup Nutella

500 ml yogurt (any)

1 glass of milk

Fruit (any) or fruit syrup (juice).

Beat all ingredients for 2 minutes.

Vanilla Sky milkshake recipe

100 ml milk

1 jar vanilla yogurt

2 apricots

After blending all the ingredients in a blender, pour everything into a glass and garnish with an apricot slice.

How to make a milkshake "Float"

100 ml soda (Coca-Cola, Pepsi)

50 ml cold strong black coffee

20 grams of ice cream

20 grams strawberries

First you need to beat the strawberries and put the puree into a glass. Next, add lemonade and coffee to the glass, and garnish it all with a scoop of ice cream.

How to Make Homemade Mint Milkshake

Ingredients for 2 cups:

25 grams of fresh mint

50 grams of sugar

200 grams of natural yoghurt

200 ml milk

1 tablespoon lemon juice

Fresh mint leaves from the garden are ideal for this recipe.

1. Mint needs to be infused with sugar syrup. To do this, set aside 4 sprigs of mint, finely chop the rest and put them in a saucepan, where you then add 100-150 ml of water and sugar.

2. Heat the syrup, remembering to stir it until the sugar melts. Then you need to boil everything for 2 minutes.

3. Remove the pan from the heat and leave the syrup to cool.

4. When the syrup has cooled, strain it through a sieve into a jug, using the back of a spoon to squeeze out all the syrup.

5. Pour everything into a blender, add yogurt and milk and beat until foam forms.

6. Add 4 mint petals that you set aside and lemon juice. Whisk again.

(*) There will be some mint in your cocktail, but if you want to get rid of it, then don't add mint before shaking.

7. Pour into glasses and add ice.

The first mention of a milkshake appeared around 1885. In those years, one of the main ingredients, in addition to ice cream and milk, was whiskey, and was used, as they say, for medical purposes.

In 1922 Stephen Poplawski(Stephen Poplawski) invented a blender specifically for making milkshakes.

Perhaps the most unusual ingredient that some people use in making a milkshake is... pumpkin.

According to the Guinness Book of Records, the largest milkshake was made in 2000 in New York.

Having a volume of 22,712.5 liters(equivalent to 50,000 standard milkshakes), he was the creation Ira Freekhof(Ira Freehof), owner of Comfort Diners. They helped her Parmalat USA And American Dairy Association(American Dairy Association).

To get rid of a hangover A milkshake with banana and honey will help you. It will restore the balance of essential substances in the stomach, including sugar, magnesium and potassium.

100 grams of this cocktail contain from 3 to 9 grams of fat, from 18 to 27 grams of carbohydrates and 30-50 grams of sugar.

Taking into account the fact that a regular serving has about 400 ml, which in turn contains 1160 calories, no wonder that Johnny Depp I had to drink a lot of milkshakes before filming the film Donnie Brasco so that his hero has sufficient “calorie content”.

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than cooking for yourself))


If not everyone likes milk, then a thick, aromatic dessert with ice cream is everyone’s favorite treat. For some it reminds them of a summer holiday at a resort, for others it reminds them of their childhood years. There are many ways to make a cocktail at home and serve it beautifully. Be sure to use one of our recipes to please your family.

How to make a milkshake at home with ice cream

You can prepare this delicacy for the purpose of health improvement, weight loss or pleasure. In addition, this is an invariable attribute of children's parties, because in addition to taste, dessert brings many benefits to the body. If a child refuses to drink milk, do not waste your nerves forcing the baby to drink another glass. Prepare a thick, delicious treat with berries, cream, fruit or chocolate spread. Even a novice housewife can whip up a milkshake at home; it is only important to maintain the proportions.

Considering who the delicacy is being prepared for, you can make a variety of non-alcoholic or alcoholic options. Ice cream, sour cream, kefir or yogurt - everything can be used as a basis. The classic vanilla treat recipe does not contain any additives except milk and ice cream. To make milkshakes at home tasty, healthy, and with the right consistency, you need to know the intricacies of preparation:

  1. Milk must be cooled before use. The optimal product temperature is 6 degrees.
  2. Beat the ingredients with a mixer or blender at maximum speed.
  3. If you prepare a milkshake at home with ice, fruit or chocolate, strain the mixture through a sieve before drinking.
  4. For those who want to lose weight, you can prepare a low-calorie drink by replacing ice cream with yogurt, low-fat kefir or unsweetened fruits (kiwi, apples, strawberries).
  5. The product is considered properly cooked if a pronounced thick foam has formed on its surface.
  6. By adding a variety of syrups, toppings, condensed milk or fruit juices, you can experiment and constantly get new tastes.

How to make a traditional milkshake recipe

The classic recipe requires the following products:

  • ice cream – 250 g;
  • milk – 1 l.

How to cook:

  1. Combine the ingredients.
  2. Beat with a blender at high speed.
  3. Pour into glasses.

How to make a milkshake with additives

If you decide to make a treat that contains a variety of fillings, then consider a few rules:

  1. Before serving, strain the mixture to remove seeds, pieces of ice, and nuts.
  2. Serve dessert immediately after whipping.
  3. You can use yogurt, kefir or cream (instead of milk) as a base.
  4. It is allowed to add fruit juices, coffee, sweet syrups, berries, fruits, caramel, and alcoholic beverages to the treat.
  5. For those who care about health, you can whip up low-calorie drinks based on low-fat kefir. It is not recommended to take full-fat milk, sour cream, cream and sweet additives.

The most useful filling for such a dessert will be fresh or frozen berries, fruits, and juices. Very often, banana is added to it, which goes well with the creamy taste of ice cream and gives a delicate consistency to the product. In the spring, during mass vitamin deficiency, it is recommended that the whole family eat desserts that contain frozen blueberries, black currants, raspberries or strawberries. Freshly squeezed juices and syrups give the drink a velvety texture. Chocolate fans can prepare the dessert with cocoa, chocolate spread or melted candy bar.

With strawberry


  • milk – 1.5 tbsp;
  • strawberries – 300 g;
  • ice cream – 150 g;
  • sugar – 2 spoons.

How to prepare dessert:

  1. Grind strawberries with sugar in a blender.
  2. Add ice cream and milk to the berries.
  3. Whisk everything and pour into glasses.

With syrup


  • milk – 0.5 l;
  • ice cream – 100 g;
  • fruit syrup – 30 ml.

How to make dessert:

  1. Combine all ingredients.
  2. Beat the mixture for 7 minutes with a blender.

With chocolate

What you will need:

  • vanilla ice cream – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • chocolate – 50 g;
  • milk – 0.25 l;

How to beat:

  1. In a saucepan, heat 1/2 part of the milk and broken chocolate until smooth.
  2. Combine all ingredients, beat with a blender.

With juice


  • fruit juice – 0.6 l;
  • ice cream – 300 g.

How to make a milkshake at home:

  1. Connect the components.
  2. Beat with a blender.

How to make a milkshake without ice cream

The delicacy does not have to be prepared with ice cream if it is not in the refrigerator. There are many simple recipes for nutritious, delicious smoothies that replace ice cream with cream, yogurt, egg yolk or condensed milk. For example, you can cook using this method:

  • milk – 0.6 l;
  • currants – 250 g;
  • vanillin – 1 sachet;
  • sugar – 2 spoons;
  • chicken yolk.

How to cook:

  1. Beat all ingredients except currants.
  2. Add berries and turn on the blender for another 1 minute.
  3. The finished product is filtered and poured into glasses.

Video: making a milkshake at home

On a hot day, there is no better way to cool down than a cool drink made from tasty and healthy products. If you add raspberries, avocado or cinnamon to the composition, you will be able to get a boost of nutrients. Below are several video recipes on how to make a cocktail at home. They will help you constantly get new tastes: banana, chocolate, strawberry, with apple juice or cream. There are a lot of ways to please your loved ones with this delicacy.

Oh, how delicious these milkshakes are! Whipped with ice cream, yogurt, mixed with berries or fruit puree, topped with chocolate chips or whipped cream... Goodbye diet! Yes, alas, any milkshake is just a concentrate of calories, and it’s unlikely to really refresh you in the heat. But for a cocktail party or for your beloved children who don’t want to drink healthy milk just like that, this delicacy is just right.

It would seem that it could be simpler: pour milk, add ice cream, whip and you're done! But this is, so to speak, the basis, a basic recipe to which you can add a huge number of ingredients. The most important thing is to take precautions so that you don’t end up with a “vinaigrette”; four or five ingredients will be enough. Milkshakes can be prepared not only based on milk - kefir, yogurt, and cream are perfect for this purpose. This will only add to the nutritional value of your smoothie. You can add almost anything to the cocktail: fruits, berries, nuts, cocoa, chocolate, mint, syrup, ginger, cardamom, vanillin, egg yolks, honey. The main thing is not to accidentally give yourself a “fasting day” by mixing inappropriate fruits or berries with milk. It is undesirable, for example, to mix milk and orange, grapefruit or tangerine. Sour apples and milk are also unlikely to get along well.

There are a few little tricks that help you achieve the perfect milkshake result. Ice cream, for example, can be churned together with milk and toppings, or you can add a scoop of ice cream to a finished cocktail. Milk for cocktails must be taken chilled, so it is easier to whip it into foam. Fruits and berries can be whipped together with milk, or you can puree them and make a multi-layer cocktail - place the fruit and berry mixture on the bottom of the glass and pour the milk mix on top. In this case, the cocktail can be left striped, or you can pass the straw several times to create bright streaks and swirls.

And finally, the most important thing - recipes. There are so many of them that your eyes just run wild. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to follow the recipe exactly, because preparing cocktails gives scope to your imagination. Get creative, invent your own milkshakes, in any case you will end up with something unimaginable!

100 ml milk,
1 jar of vanilla yogurt,
1 tbsp. lemon juice,
2 pcs. apricots,

Mix all ingredients in a blender with ice, pour into a glass, and garnish with an apricot slice.

Cocktail "Eskimo"
Place 3-5 crushed ice cubes in a glass, pour in cola or Baikal, and add a scoop of ice cream.

100 ml “Baikal” (“Coca-Cola”, “Pepsi”),
50 ml cold strong black coffee,
20 g ice cream,
20 g strawberries.

Puree the washed strawberries in a blender and transfer to a glass. Pour in lemonade and coffee and top with a scoop of ice cream.

4 scoops of ice cream,
¼ cup milk,
¼ cup chocolate syrup,
1-3 drops of mint oil.


1 liter of milk,
200 g ice cream,
3 tbsp. honey,
1 cup of strong coffee.


1 stack milk,
400 g ice cream,
350 g ripe bananas.

Beat the ice cream in a blender with milk, add bananas and beat until you get an airy, thick, creamy cocktail.

1 stack milk,
200 g ice cream,
2 tbsp. Sahara,
1 tsp cocoa powder.

Beat all ingredients in a blender and pour into a glass.

"Tangerine Fairy"

100 g tangerines,
120 g kefir,
10 ml lemon juice,
10 ml sugar syrup.

Beat all ingredients in a blender and pour into a glass.

30 ml milk,
30 ml cream,
40 ml orange juice,
20 ml sugar syrup,
1 egg.

Beat all ingredients in a blender and pour into a glass.

"Paradise apples"

500 ml milk,
2-3 pcs. juicy sweet apples,
2 tbsp. chopped walnuts,
sugar to taste.

Grate the apples together with the peel, mix with sugar, puree in a blender, pour in cold milk, beat again. When serving, sprinkle with nuts.

3 stacks milk,
200 g strawberries,
1 tsp cocoa,
2 tbsp. oatmeal,
2 tbsp. honey,
1 tsp cinnamon,
1 tbsp. brewer's yeast,
a pinch of sea salt.

Grind the washed strawberries into a puree in a blender, add milk and other ingredients, and beat. This cocktail will give you energy for the whole day.

1 stack carrot juice,
1 stack milk,
1 tsp honey,
1 lemon.

Scald the lemon and remove the zest. Squeeze juice from half a lemon. Combine with milk, carrot juice, honey and zest, beat in a blender.

2 stacks milk,
1 egg
150 g honey,
2 tbsp. lemon or orange juice.

Beat all ingredients in a blender and pour into a glass.

Cocktail with strawberries and cheese

¼ cup milk,
40 g strawberry syrup,
50 g grated cheese.

Beat all ingredients in a blender and pour into a glass.

Milkshakes can be not only cold, but also, conversely, hot:

500 ml milk,
2 tbsp. Sahara,
2-3 tbsp. water,
20 g cognac.

Make light caramel from sugar and water. Then pour boiling milk into it and heat over moderate heat until the caramel dissolves. Serve hot, pouring 1 tsp into each glass. cognac

Hot banana smoothie

120 g milk,
40 g banana syrup,
10 g lemon syrup.

Pour banana and lemon syrup into a heated glass and add hot milk. Beat with a mixer.

There are also several recipes for lovers of “adult” cocktails. Just don’t forget about the dangers of alcohol and follow moderation.

500 ml Jamaican rum,
1 kg vanilla ice cream,
3 tbsp. very strong hot coffee,

Pour hot coffee over the ice cream, beat, add rum and pieces of ice. Serve in punch bowl.

Coffee Iced Cocktail Punch

250 ml Jamaican rum,
2.5 liters vanilla ice cream,
150 ml sugar syrup,
500 ml whipped cream,
1.5 liters of strong coffee.

Combine rum, ice cream, sugar syrup and chilled coffee, beat. Serve in a punch bowl with whipped cream on top.

3 stacks milk,
2 tbsp. Sahara,
½ cup cherry juice,
5 tsp cocoa powder,
1 tbsp. cherry liqueur,
a few cherries for decoration.

The art of cocktail making is not limited to sweet ingredients. Milkshakes are the perfect breakfast or afternoon snack.

2/3 stack. milk,
1 carrot,
2 pinches of sea salt.

Squeeze the juice from the carrots, add chilled milk, salt and whisk.

Tomato milkshake

1/3 cup milk,
1/5 cup tomato juice,
pepper, salt to taste.

Mix cooled milk and juice, add salt and pepper, beat. Pour into a tall glass.

Sour talker

50 g milk,
2 stacks water,
100 g yogurt or kefir,
½ cup rye flour.

Dilute the flour in a small amount of cold water, add the remaining water and boil. Add milk and yogurt to the resulting mash and leave at room temperature for a day.
These are the different milkshakes. Enjoy!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Having a blender in the kitchen, you can not only quickly prepare a variety of sauces, smoothies and purees, but also delicious milkshakes. Just 3 simple ingredients: milk, ice cream and a handful of your favorite fruits, and your dessert drink is ready.

Milkshakes are especially loved by children. But any adult will not refuse a glass of a refreshing sweet drink. In addition, today such cocktails are no longer commonplace: they are prepared from a variety of ingredients. There are recipes for those who want to lose weight, and for vegetarians, and for incorrigible sweet tooths. You can use candies, jellies, chocolate, cereal bars, caramel, cookies and much more as additives.

How to add variety to milkshakes

Try different types of milk, not just cow's milk. Use plant-based ones: almond, coconut, rice, soy or homemade oatmeal. Vegetarian versions of cocktails are also prepared on their basis.

Add ground chia or flax seeds, spirulina, nuts, acai or goji berries, protein or whey powder to milk drinks. This way you will turn dessert from just a delicacy into a healthy full-fledged snack, and also very tasty.

If you're on a diet, you don't have to drink a smoothie without a sweetener, but sugar isn't the only option. Add dates, stevia, grape sugar, bananas. The latter, moreover, will add not only sweetness to the drink, but also make it more satisfying.

Recipes for milkshakes in a blender

Although milkshakes originally consisted of milk, syrup and some kind of fruit, today the variety of recipes for their preparation is unlimited. Try options, choose your favorite, mix ingredients from different recipes.

Healthy milkshake for breakfast

Mix in a blender 2 bananas, peeled and cut into circles, 2 tbsp. l. low-fat cottage cheese and a large glass of milk. Beat the mixture thoroughly at high speed. Eat for breakfast or snack.

Banana milkshake for those with a sweet tooth

The recipe is for 2 servings. Mix 2 peeled bananas, 400 ml of milk and 200 g of ice cream in a blender bowl. Whisk the mixture. Serve cold in tall glasses. Instead of bananas, you can use 300 g of fresh sweet strawberries.

Invigorating milkshake with coffee

Prepare a large cup of strong black coffee and pour it into a blender. Add 2 cups milk, 3 tbsp. l. caramel syrup and a glass of ice. Turn the blender on high and blend the mixture. When serving, garnish the cocktail with whipped cream and chocolate chips.

Two-color milkshake with strawberry and mango

A beautiful drink and a very tasty combination of fruits in it.

Divide a glass of almond milk and natural yogurt without additives into 2 parts. Beat one part in a blender with one glass of mango pulp and pour into large glasses in equal portions. Whisk the second part with two glasses of fresh strawberries and carefully pour into glasses over the mango base. To serve, crush a few biscuits and sprinkle over the drink.

Vegan Milkshake Recipe

In a blender, combine the following products: a glass of almond milk, 2 chopped bananas and dates, 2 tablespoons of peanut butter, 1 tbsp. l. cocoa without sugar, half a glass of ice. Whisk ingredients and serve immediately.

Pumpkin milkshake

Boil 150 g of pumpkin and grate it, transfer it to a blender bowl. Pour 300 ml of milk there, add 3 tsp. vanilla sugar, a pinch of cinnamon. Beat the mixture until smooth. Pour into glasses and make a “cap” of whipped cream on top. Such a bright cocktail will be useful and will appeal to children. To add freshness to the drink, shake it with half a glass of ice.

Refreshing vitamin milkshake

Kiwi contains a large amount of antioxidants and vitamin C. A cocktail with its addition will be a great help on hot days. In addition to valuable nutrients, kiwi contains the hormone serotonin, which normalizes brain function.

For one serving, peel 3 kiwi fruits and cut into arbitrary pieces. Place in a blender, add 100 ml of milk and 100 g of ice cream, a tablespoon of lime juice and a few ice cubes. Whisk until smooth and serve immediately.

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