Nutria meat: benefits and harms, recipe. Nutria meat benefits and harms: what you need to know before eating Nutria meat composition benefits and harms

Nutria meat: benefits and harms, recipe. Nutria meat benefits and harms: what you need to know before eating Nutria meat composition benefits and harms


Nutria meat is very healthy and to say that it can cause even the slightest harm to human health is simply stupid. The only reason for such speculation can be the fact that these animals began to be bred in our country relatively recently.

For all skeptics, we repeat once again that nutria meat and fat are dietary products and can be given not only to adults, but to children. This product is only beneficial for the human body, regardless of how often you eat it.

Description and habitat

In order to understand why the above-mentioned products are so useful, you need to have some understanding of the habitat and nutrition of these cute and friendly animals.

Let's start with the fact that these are one of the largest animals that belong to the rodent family. Very often their weight exceeds ten kilograms, and some record holders weigh more than fifteen. Nutria is an excellent swimmer and if you meet them in the wild, you can confuse them with the beaver, a common inhabitant of our latitudes. Habitat: wetlands, quiet places.

In their homeland in South America, the benefits of the meat of these animals have long been appreciated and they are eaten in different preparations, but here, as in Europe, it is considered a delicacy. Recently, the situation has changed somewhat and nutria products can increasingly be found on store shelves and markets. Everything in nutria is useful: meat, fat, entrails, and the skins are used to make wonderful fur products. That is why their breeding on private farms and on an industrial scale is gaining more and more popularity.

Nutria are fed only fresh and high-quality food; they simply will not eat anything else. Therefore, both nutria meat and their fat can be eaten without fear, getting real pleasure from the tender and aromatic product.

Details about the benefits of nutria meat

Unlike the meat of pigs and other animals familiar to us, dietary nutria meat has a delicate aroma and a more delicate taste. Similar qualities are given to it by the nitrogenous elements it contains.

It has been found that those who regularly eat this product improve their appetite and restore the functioning of their digestive system.

Its benefits are evidenced by the following data:

  • Nutria meat is quite valuable because it contains much more protein than the meat of other animals, approximately 20 percent. Particularly because of this, it is included in the diet of athletes;
  • it contains such rare, but nevertheless useful vitamins B6-12, as well as C, PP and E;
  • some minerals and their combinations can only be found in this type of meat;
  • high content of amino acids;
  • sodium salts, which in high percentages can be harmful to the human body, are practically absent in nutria meat.

In total, thanks to all the above qualities, nutria meat is considered a dietary product and its benefits are undeniable.

What can you cook

Almost the same dishes can be prepared from nutria meat that are prepared from other types of meat, because it is excellent in processing.

Characteristic properties of nutria meat:

  • color similar to beef;
  • tastes similar to chicken or fresh veal;
  • low calorie content;
  • The content of mineral elements, fats, protein and vitamins exceeds the meat of almost all traditionally bred animals.

As a result, nutria products are considered a delicacy and are in demand. Innards, fried liver and stewed kidneys are also useful.

Video “The benefits of nutria meat and proper cutting of the carcass”

This video explains the benefits of nutria meat, as well as how to cut a carcass.

The traditional first courses of our cuisine, borscht, soups and jellied meats, are very tasty. Well, the taste of cutlets, roast or kebabs made from nutria meat will not leave any gourmet indifferent.

The qualities of this product are well preserved during cooking, frying (this type of processing does more harm than good) or stewing. Calorie content from 155 to 190 kcal per 100 grams of product, depending on the method of preparation.

Medicinal qualities

Nutria meat is very healthy, as it contains a lot of useful elements, as a result of which it is recommended to use it for medicinal purposes:

  • diseases of the digestive system, since it is not only very delicate, but also light, and the body practically does not need to spend calories to process it;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • sclerotic changes in blood vessels;
  • diabetes;
  • to strengthen immunity.

As a result of numerous studies, it was found that with constant consumption of nutria meat:

  • cholesterol levels decrease;
  • the functioning of the cardiovascular system improves;
  • the nervous system is restored;
  • the functioning of the stomach and intestines improves.

Nutria meat has a high content of iodine and rare, but very important fatty acids. Of particular note is the presence of linoleic and linolenic acids. because The human body has a great need for them, but cannot produce them on its own, but the benefits from them are high.


The benefits of nutria fat have been established for a very long time and it is used not only for preparing various dishes, but also for healing many diseases. One of its important properties is that its melting point is almost two times lower than the melting point of fat from other animals. Already at a temperature of 28 degrees it turns into a liquid state. This is a huge advantage over fats from other types of animals, in particular pigs and sheep, which require temperatures above +50 degrees to melt.

Doctors have found that constant consumption of fats that melt at high temperatures can cause harm to the human body. In particular, increased cholesterol, which in turn can cause many heart diseases.

Unlike the above, nutria fat is very easily digestible and causes absolutely no harm to the body. That is why, for those who have problems with blood pressure, it can be eaten with virtually no restrictions.

Treatment with fat

The healing properties of nutria fat have been known for a long time. And it is used to treat and alleviate the following diseases.

At the first symptoms of a cold, you need to take a cotton swab and apply a little fat to it. Then carefully lubricate first one nostril, then the other. Then apply it to the forehead, cheeks, eyebrows and areas near the nose. Within two to three days the disease subsides.

For symptoms of bronchitis or pneumonia, fat should be rubbed into the chest area and between the shoulder blades. Then you need to put on a warm sweater to keep warm.

Nutria fat can be used as a healing agent to treat small wounds and cracks in the skin.

In turn, it also has softening properties. For example, you can lubricate your hands with it if you notice that the skin on them has become dry.

These are some of the beneficial properties of this unique product, without any harm.


Everyone can eat nutria meat; no negative factors or harm from its use have been found, except for individual intolerance, but this phenomenon is very rare.

Buy nutria meat only in specialized stores that have permission to sell such products. Be sure to ask and ask the seller to present a certificate confirming the quality of the meat, certified by the relevant service. If he cannot show you this document, then it is better not to take this meat, since it is possible that it may not only not be fresh, but also contaminated and, accordingly, will cause harm and not benefit.

Consume nutria meat only after it has undergone heat treatment. Under no circumstances should you eat raw meat, even in small quantities, for example, for testing, as there is a risk of infection and poisoning!

You should not think that nutria meat, with all its wonderful qualities, will be able to displace poultry, pigs or cows from our tables, however, if you cook some dishes from it from time to time, this will significantly improve your health and bring pleasure to everyone who will try it.

This video shows how shish kebab is made from the meat of this animal, how best to marinate and fry it. so that it is not only tasty, but also has health benefits.

Nutria meat has long been valued as a dietary product. It is recommended for use by a whole group of people suffering from diseases of the digestive system, liver and kidneys, and diabetes. Young children will also benefit from nutria meat. The benefits and harms, recipes for preparing it at home are presented in our article. Here you can find its full chemical composition, find out its calorie content and nutritional value.

Nutria meat: photo, description, taste

Nutria meat is a complete food product that is superior to beef and rabbit in a number of indicators. It could be called marbled, since the fat layers in it are evenly distributed between thin muscle fibers. Nutria meat is juicy and flavorful. It is even superior to rabbit meat in terms of juiciness. The specific aroma of meat is due to the presence of nitrogenous non-protein compounds in its composition, which stimulate appetite and help speed up digestion.

Dark as beef, aromatic as chicken, and tasty as rabbit - this is how you can describe nutria meat. The benefits and harms of this product largely coincide with rabbit meat. And in terms of the content of vitamins, minerals, proteins and fatty acids, it is in no way inferior to beef.

Chemical composition of nutria meat

Nutria meat is one of the healthiest for good reason. In addition to easily digestible protein, it contains such important vitamins for the body as B6, B12, C, E, D, PP. There is a lot of nutria meat and minerals, such as potassium, manganese, fluorine, phosphorus, iron, cobalt. It also contains important amino acids (tryptophan, lysine, methionine and others).

Along with a large number of useful vitamins and minerals, there are very few sodium salts in meat, which is why it is considered dietary.

and calorie content

It differs depending on the method of its preparation. Fried nutria has the highest value (190 kcal per 100 grams). Boiled nutria meat contains only 170 kcal. Its benefits and harm to the body are known to every nutritionist. Such meat should be included in the diet of children and adults with weakened immune systems. The amount of protein in nutria is 20 grams, and fat is only 4 grams.


Nutritionists believe that in terms of its nutritional properties, nutria is much healthier than beef, chicken or rabbit. In terms of the rate of absorption by the body and the amount of vitamins, nothing can compare with nutria meat. Its benefits and harms are as follows:

  • helps strengthen immunity weakened by long-term illnesses;
  • thanks to unsaturated fatty acids, all metabolic processes in the body occur without failures;
  • Nutria meat is completely absorbed by the body;
  • helps reduce blood pressure and strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • Nutria contains more protein than other types of meat, which is exactly what athletes and children need;
  • the high iron content in the composition helps to cope with anemia;
  • there is no feeling of heaviness in the stomach after eating;
  • normalizes stomach acidity.

Not only nutria meat is valued, but also fat, which contains significant quantities of oleic acid, linoleic acid and others.

Dietary, tasty and aromatic nutria meat cannot be called harmful. It should be excluded from the diet only in case of individual intolerance. Otherwise, it brings only benefit to the body, but not harm.

The benefits and harms of nutria meat for children

It is recommended to introduce dietary meat into children's diets first. This will avoid allergic reactions and digestive problems in the future. Nutria meat is considered the best for a growing body. The benefits and harms for children are as follows:

  • its high protein content makes nutria an indispensable product for children with weakened immune systems;
  • nutria meat and fat with a high content of healthy unsaturated acids have a healing effect for the digestive system;
  • nutria meat is ideal for first complementary feeding, since it is easily absorbed by the body and does not cause allergies.

To add variety, you can alternate nutria with rabbit and turkey.

Recipes for cooking nutria meat

When dealing with nutria, housewives often encounter such a problem as a specific smell. Long soaking will help to cope with it, first in cold water for an hour, and then in milk for 12 hours. After this, the nutria carcass is cut into portioned pieces in the same way as a rabbit.

Nutria meat, the benefits and harms of which were discussed above, can be prepared in different ways. It can be stewed in sour cream, cream or broth, cooked as a roast or cooked as a dietary soup. This meat is highly juicy, so the dish will be equally tasty in any case.

At the very beginning of cooking nutria, you need to heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the garlic and rosemary in it. Then send the prepared pieces here. Fry them on both sides, add salt, pepper and broth. Simmer for 40 minutes, after which you can add a little sour cream and leave the dish on low heat for another 15 minutes.

Roasted nutria is no less tasty. To prepare it, portioned pieces are also fried in a roasting pan on both sides, and then potatoes, onions, carrots and garlic are added to them. Next, the vegetables and meat are poured into the broth and placed in the oven for 1.5 hours or until cooked.

Originally from South America, the only representative of the Nutria family appeared on the tables of our compatriots, namely the swamp beaver or nutria. These animals, similar to large rats, were brought and successfully took root in the swamps and reservoirs of Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan.

Later, a method was found for home breeding of nutria, and in 1961 this meat was classified as a dietary food product. Nutria are also bred for their skins, fat and fur.

And although dishes made from swamp beaver meat are not found in Russia and the CIS countries as often as, for example, dishes made from chicken, beef or rabbit meat, it nevertheless contains a number of useful elements. The following describes in detail the benefits of nutria meat and fat, as well as the reasons for its possible harm.

Description of nutria meat: nutritional value and calorie content

One hundred grams of meat contains about 4.5 grams of fat, 24 grams of protein, 71 grams of water and 0.5 grams of ash. It also contains a number of vitamins:

As for the calorie content of the delicacy, it is about 215 kilocalories per 100 grams for dishes based on fried meat, about 163 kilocalories for dishes based on boiled meat, and about 164 kilocalories for dishes based on stewed meat.

In addition to vitamins, it contains a number of macro- and microelements. Among the latter are the following:

  1. Iron (6.9 mg).
  2. Iodine (5 mcg).
  3. Cobalt (15 mcg).
  4. Zinc (2.6 mg).
  5. Manganese (25 mcg).
  6. Selenium (27 mcg).
  7. Copper (151 mcg).
  8. Fluoride (104 mcg).

This meat is also rich in substances classified as macroelements, for example calcium (about 15 mg), potassium (348 mg), magnesium (23 mg), sodium (51 mg), phosphorus (234 mg).

In addition to the benefits and harms of nutria meat, here is what you should know about its properties. The meat of this animal is quite pleasant and tender in taste, something between rabbit and chicken, both in its pure form and its minced meat.

You can use it to prepare delicious main courses, soups, hot and cold appetizers, cutlets, cabbage rolls, dolma, dumplings, pies and pies that contain nutria meat.

The benefits of nutria meat

Persons with problems with the immune system are recommended to use this product, since the micro- and macroelements, vitamins and amino acids included in its composition help strengthen the immune system.

The fairly high protein content (16-19%) in the nutria carcass determines its popularity among athletes. The protein in the composition promotes muscle growth, improvement of skin condition, strengthening and good growth of hair, nails, general health, and complexion.

Moderate consumption of dishes based on nutria meat helps the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes the processes of digestion and absorption by the body of vitamins, amino acids, marco- and microelements obtained not only from these dishes, but also with all other food that a person takes. With this use, metabolism improves.

This product helps reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood, which reduces the chance of blood clots, circulatory system diseases, and cardiovascular diseases.

Also, the complex of useful substances and elements in the composition have a positive effect on the peripheral and central nervous system. The recommended dose for people who want to restore their psycho-emotional state, get rid of insomnia or a constant feeling of fatigue and depression is at least once a week.

In addition to all of the above, nutria meat has a positive effect on the condition of the liver and kidneys, even with serious problems with them, and on the condition of blood vessels in diabetes mellitus. This product is very easy to digest and digest, so it can be eaten even by people with a sick stomach.

Since this meat is similar in taste and quality to rabbit or beef, a lot of boiled or stewed dishes can be prepared from it. There is no need to subject it to strong heat treatment, using plenty of oil (which not only harms the human body, but also kills the benefits of the cooked meat).

Beneficial properties of nutria fat

Unsaturated fatty acids make up more than 60% of the total fat mass of the swamp beaver. It melts at a temperature of 26-28°C, so it can be consumed even by people who have problems with blood pressure. The human body easily absorbs it, fat does not harm the body.

The practice of using the fat of this animal in folk medicine is known.

Harm and contraindications to eating meat

Not everyone will like this delicacy - individual intolerance and inability to digest it are possible, therefore, when eating a dish of this meat for the first time, you should not get carried away with large portions. It is recommended to try a little and monitor the body's reaction.

With proper preparation and moderate consumption of food from nutria meat, you will get the maximum benefit from it, improve your health for the better, without harming your body.

Nutria meat is a dietary product recommended for people with problems with the digestive system, as well as the elderly and children. In European countries it is considered a delicacy. It has an excellent taste and rich chemical composition. According to some indicators, nutria meat is ahead of veal. The article will tell you why this product is useful, whether it can be harmful to health, and how nutria fat is used.

Composition and calorie content of meat

The benefits of nutria meat are due to its chemical composition. It contains almost 23% protein, which is easily digestible, and fat – no more than 4%. The pulp of nutria meat, despite the low fat content, is not dry, it is even juicier than rabbit meat. The dietary product is recommended for use by athletes - thanks to it you can build muscle mass, small children and the elderly.

Attention! The calorie content of nutria meat varies depending on the cooking method. When boiled, it contains no more than 170 kcal/100 g. When frying, the product absorbs oil, so its calorie content increases to 190 kcal.

Swamp beaver meat contains vitamins:

  • C – helps strengthen the immune system, activate phagocytes;
  • folic acid – necessary for women when planning pregnancy, as well as in the first trimester for the normal formation of the neural tube in the embryo;
  • B12 – strengthens the nervous system, improves the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • B4 (choline) – accelerates metabolism, stimulates the functioning of the intestines, liver and kidneys;
  • E is a vitamin that preserves youth and forms nonspecific immunity;
  • PP – removes bad cholesterol, cleanses blood vessels, is needed for the prevention of atherosclerosis and heart disease.

When studying the composition of nutria meat, it is worth mentioning the trace elements it contains, because they have an impact on human health. One hundred grams of the product contains:

  • potassium – 347 mg;
  • phosphorus – 236 mg;
  • sodium – 50 mg;
  • magnesium – 25 mg;
  • calcium – 15 mg;
  • iron – about 7 mg.

Such a rich chemical composition makes this product unique. By consuming it, a person replenishes the reserves of vitamins and microelements in the body, without creating a burden on the digestive system.

The benefits of nutria meat

Nutria meat is good for children to eat, as it is a source of easily digestible protein, which serves as the basis for the construction of body cells. For the same reason, the product should be used by those who are working on figure correction.

Nutria meat helps cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol. Elderly people will benefit greatly from it, because with age, the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases - heart attack, stroke, atherosclerosis, hypertension - increases. If you replace fatty pork with this dietary product, you don’t have to worry about your health.

The dietary delicacy is easily digested, after eating it there is no feeling of heaviness in the stomach, so it can be eaten if an ulcer or gastritis is detected. Due to its high content of vitamins belonging to group B, nutritionists advise including nutria dishes in the diet of people who are constantly under stress. This food will help:

  • solve sleep problems;
  • improve mood;
  • get rid of feelings of anxiety;
  • eliminate irritability.

Eating dishes prepared from fur-bearing animals is beneficial for pregnant women and those who are just planning to conceive. Thanks to folic acid, which is present in meat, the chances of getting pregnant increase, and the risk of developing intrauterine pathologies is reduced.

This product helps increase hemoglobin levels as it contains iron. And it also does not cause allergies. Nutria meat is a source of essential amino acids, linoleic and linolenic. They are not synthesized in the human body; they can only be obtained through food.

Attention! By eating nutria meat, you can lose weight, get rid of stress and improve the functioning of your digestive system.


Nutria meat can harm the health of people diagnosed with gout. Such patients should not eat foods high in protein. Otherwise, lactic acid will accumulate in the body, which will cause joint pain and stiffness.

Attention! If allergy symptoms occur after eating nutria dishes, you should exclude the product from your diet.

The healing properties of nutria fat

Fur-bearing animals provide humans not only with dietary meat, but also with valuable fat. It contains essential acids that the body is not able to synthesize on its own:

  • linoleic;
  • linolenic

Reference. The fatty tissue of the swamp beaver has a delicate consistency and melts at a temperature of 30-35 degrees.

Nutrium fat does not contain cholesterol, it can be consumed even by people suffering from atherosclerosis. It has medicinal properties:

  • improves blood circulation;
  • strengthens the heart and the walls of blood vessels;
  • promotes liquefaction and removal of mucus from the respiratory tract;
  • helps fight colds;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • promotes tissue regeneration.

Advice! To prevent atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke, as well as to strengthen the immune system, it is recommended to consume a teaspoon of nutria fat daily.

Application of fat

Most often, nutria fat is used to treat colds. The product has a warming effect and is able to thin out thick mucus in the bronchi. It is also used for cracked heels. Let's look at several recipes using swamp beaver fat.

Cough treatment

To do this, a small amount of the product is heated in a water bath and applied to the chest and back. The patient should be rubbed well until slight redness appears. Then put on warm clothes. It is better to do the procedure at night, and continue treatment for at least 7 days.

Attention! Infants can rub their feet with nutria fat for coughs and colds, if the child does not have an elevated body temperature.

With a runny nose

Nutria fat will help get rid of a persistent runny nose. To do this, melt a little fat and soak two cotton swabs in it. Each of them is inserted into the nasal passage for 30 minutes. For sinusitis, rubbing the forehead and bridge of the nose helps.

Attention! Treatment of sinusitis should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. You cannot replace medications prescribed by a doctor with folk remedies; it is better to combine them.

For sore throat

If your throat suddenly hurts, you can apply a warm compress to the front of your neck. To do this, you will need a bandage or gauze folded several times. The fabric is generously lubricated with melted fat and applied to the sore spot. The top of the bandage is covered with cellophane, and then the neck is insulated with a down scarf.

For dry skin and cracks

Nutria fat copes well with the problem of dry skin and even heals cracked heels. To solve this problem, the feet are first placed in a basin of warm water. When the rough skin softens, it is cleaned with a pumice stone, after which the feet are washed with soap. Then the feet are dried with a towel and the heels are lubricated with fat. It is better to do the procedure at night. To avoid staining the bed linen, wear cotton socks. The course of treatment is 7 days.

Reference. If dry skin on your hands bothers you, apply a thin layer of nutria fat in the morning and evening.

Nutria meat and fat are highly valued as they help humans stay healthy. Even children can eat dishes prepared from the carcass of an animal. And fat is used both internally and externally. It is important to buy meat from trusted farmers who carefully monitor the health of their pets and have documents confirming the right to sell their products.

South America is considered the homeland of the water rat; in the Soviet Union, the introduced animal populated the southern swamps. The benefits and harms of nutria meat have long been studied by nutritionists. Verdict – the meat is dietary, healthy for everyone, and has no harmful indications. However, in Russia they treat the healthy product with disgust. The very opportunity to taste rat meat and the fear of contracting an animal disease are confusing.

Cellular content of nutria

Since 1961, they found a way and developed an algorithm. At this point, it turned out that nutria are very clean and fastidious animals. They are not omnivores. They will refuse food and will not eat sour food or dirty grass. However, animals released into the water can become infected with Giardia. If meat is not cooked properly, a person can become infected. Meat purchased at the market or farms does not undergo full analysis. Therefore, instead of being beneficial, nutria meat will cause harm if consumed without proper control.

Animals kept in cages cannot get giardiasis, and they also receive timely vaccinations against other diseases. They are not fed hormones for rapid growth. The main value of the animal is the skin, and it will be of high quality only if it is naturally fed. Therefore, nutria meat is truly free of biostimulants and antibiotics and is much healthier than broilers.

Recent nutritional researchers have shown that nutria meat is certainly beneficial for humans. At the same time, the child’s body absorbs it more difficult. Since dishes for children are usually steamed, there is a risk of contracting giardiasis.

Beneficial properties of nutria meat

To taste, nutria meat resembles rabbit and beef. In appearance, a skinned carcass is similar to a rabbit, only the meat is dark, while the rabbit’s is light, reminiscent of chicken. Nutritionists have identified the particular benefits of nutria meat, and harm can only occur if there is an individual intolerance to the product:

  1. The rich set of easily digestible vitamins and amino acids in meat makes it dietary and is recommended for weakened people and children as the most valuable source of protein. Meat contains 190 kcal/100 g of meat. A 100 g serving contains 20 g of protein, 4 g of fat, but also healthy. Calcium is good for bones, and phosphorus is good for vision. The red color of meat is associated with a large amount of biological iron.
  2. The product is sold in the form of carcasses and semi-finished products, and preparation at home does not require much time.
  3. The benefit of nutria meat is that it is easily digested and does not create a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Nutria dishes are digestible for gastrointestinal diseases and have a healing effect. Only nutria fat contains a medicinal set of unsaturated linolenic organic acids from all traditionally used types of meat.
  4. Regular consumption of nutria meat in any form strengthens the body. It is especially useful to use the product for people with diseases of the heart and vascular system - cholesterol deposits dissolve, muscles are strengthened and the state of the nervous system is normalized.
  5. The increased content of healthy protein in the delicate, fine-fiber product makes the prepared dishes healthy and delicious for everyone. The only exceptions are people with individual intolerance to this type of meat.

There is one more aspect. Specific smell of meat. Some people can't stand it. However, the nutria contained in the cells have a faint musky aroma. Hunters still harvest nutria from the wild. Therefore, it is important to buy meat only from caged animals with a veterinary stamp.

Is it possible to include nutria meat in a children's menu?

Dietary nutria meat is tender, with fine fibers. It is easy to prepare and tasty in any form and does not cause allergies. A carcass of 10 kg is the usual standard weight of an adult animal. Whether nutria meat will be beneficial or harmful for children, nutritionists understand.

When asked whether it is possible to start feeding a baby meat with nutria meat, experts warn that any protein of animal origin is included in the baby’s menu after he has already been receiving vegetables, fruits and cereals for 3 months. That is, the stomach already accepts and digests products of plant origin. Afterwards, nutria meat can be included in the menu. In this case, the meat should be finely ground to facilitate digestion.

In the domestic open spaces, the first feeding of nutria meat has long been carried out in Kuban. The only addition is that mothers carefully select nutria for their children, agreeing in advance with the owner of the farm.

Video about the beneficial qualities of nutria meat

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