What to do with duck eggs. The benefits and harms of this product, use in recipes. How long to cook duck eggs

What to do with duck eggs. The benefits and harms of this product, use in recipes. How long to cook duck eggs


This is one of those products that, according to doctors and nutritionists, should be present in the diet of all people. First of all, people need them as a source of animal protein, as well as a number of other useful substances. However, many have also heard about the dangers of this product for human health, since the yolk contains harmful cholesterol. In this article we will try to figure out how useful and harmful duck eggs are, what can be prepared from them and how to use them in cosmetology.

Calories and nutritional value

The calorie content of a fresh product is 185 kcal per 100 g. This amount of product contains 13.3 g of protein, 14.5 g of fat and 0.1 g of carbohydrates. The composition of the product is very rich:

  • almost all vitamins (A, D, B2, B4, B5, B9, B12);
  • a huge number of micro- and macroelements (phosphorus, iron, selenium);
  • digestible carbohydrates;
  • essential and non-essential, saturated fatty, monosaturated, polyunsaturated amino acids.

Important! Due to the high fat content, duck egg dishes are not recommended to be consumed more than 2 times a week.

Taste qualities: how they differ from chicken

Unlike chicken eggs, duck eggs can be colored in different colors - from white to greenish or bluish. They are somewhat larger in size than chicken ones - their weight can be up to 90 g, while chicken ones weigh about 50 g.
They also differ in taste - duck ones have a stronger aroma and richer taste. It should be noted that in various dishes, duck eggs are in harmony with all the ingredients and do not interrupt their taste.

What are the benefits of duck eggs?

Looking at the composition of the product described, you immediately understand what great benefits it brings to the body. Nutritionists recommend consuming this product, rich in minerals and vitamins, for people with a weak immune system, those who need to restore the body after an illness, or gain weight.
It should be regularly present in the diet of people involved in physical activity. The minerals that make up the egg, including calcium and phosphorus, strengthen the human skeleton and teeth. Folic acid has a beneficial effect on the male reproductive system and the process of hematopoiesis.

Did you know?Only female ducks can quack. Males do not have this ability.

There are few products that can equal a duck egg in terms of the content of cobalamin or vitamin B12, which is responsible for hematopoiesis, carbohydrate and fat metabolism in the body, and the normal functioning of the nervous system.
When selenium enters the human body, it helps to increase the body's defenses. A person becomes less susceptible to unfavorable environmental conditions, viruses and bacteria.

Is it possible to eat during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

There is evidence that salmonella is more likely to penetrate the eggs of waterfowl. Therefore, pregnant women, even despite such a rich composition of the product, should refrain from using it in order to avoid the development of toxoinfection. But some experts believe that it can be consumed after thorough rinsing under water and boiling for 15 minutes, as well as in baked goods cooked at a temperature of at least 100 degrees. Ultimately, the choice remains with the expectant mother.

Important! During pregnancy, it is better to give preference to chicken and quail eggs.

During lactation you should also postpone the use of this product, as it can cause allergies in the baby.

How to use in cooking

Duck eggs are much less popular than chicken and quail eggs, but they are also used for food. In some countries this product is considered a delicacy. For example, the British simply adore them when boiled. And in the Philippines they eat a boiled egg with an embryo inside.

What can you cook from duck eggs?

This product can be cook, fry, add to baked goods, salads. Since eggs are higher in calories and larger in size, less product consumption will be required.
It’s especially good to put them in baked goods - the dough turns out beautifully browned and has an interesting taste. You can use them to make pancakes, biscuits, cake and pie crusts, and cookies.

How long should you cook?

Duck eggs need to be cooked longer than chicken eggs - at least 15 minutes. Due to the porous shell coating, the risk of infection entering the yolk and white is very high.

Is it possible to fry

You can easily prepare both an omelet and scrambled eggs from this product. However, you need to be prepared that the dish will be an acquired taste, since its taste and consistency will differ from that prepared from more familiar chicken eggs. It is also important not to overcook food with this ingredient, otherwise it will become rubbery and difficult to chew.
Before using the product, it is recommended to remove it from the refrigerator and warm it at room temperature (this will make the protein softer when frying).

Did you know? Presumably, people began breeding ducks about 5 thousand years ago. Poultry first appeared in Mesopotamia and Ancient Sumer. The first sources attesting to domestic ducks are pictographic clay tablets from Uruk, dated to the late early 3rd millennium BC.

How to use it in cosmetology

Duck eggs are also actively used in cosmetology - they are used to make masks for hair and face. The rich vitamin and mineral composition and the presence of a large number of different acids make this ingredient very important in nourishing hair and facial skin.

For hair

Masks based on duck eggs allow you to restore damaged hair, improve its structure, improve nutrition of the scalp, and strengthen hair follicles.
Revitalizing mask. Add a spoonful of olive oil to one yolk. Grease your hair. After 15 minutes, rinse with running water and shampoo.

Firming mask. Combine the yolk, two large spoons of yogurt, a small spoon of honey and a pinch of citric acid. Beat the mixture well until foam forms on its surface. Lubricate your scalp. Wash off after 15 minutes with plenty of water and shampoo. Course - 1 time per week for 1-2 months.

For face

Duck eggs help remove oily shine from the face, tighten pores, and improve skin nutrition.

Anti-shine mask to tighten pores. Combine protein and cosmetic clay in equal proportions. Gently apply to face. After a crust forms, the mask must be washed off. To achieve the effect, it is recommended to use the product once a week.

Nutritious. Combine one egg with 2-3 large spoons of grated raw eggs. Apply to a clean and dry face, rinse after 10-12 minutes.

How to choose when purchasing

Duck eggs cannot be found in stores; they can only be purchased at specialized factories or from farmers. When purchasing, you should not be alarmed or put off by slight contamination of the shell, dirt stuck to it, straw - this is normal. It will be suspicious if the egg shell turns out to be perfectly clean. It's also not good if it gets all dirty. This suggests that the factory where the poultry is raised has serious sanitation problems.

Important! Washed eggs have a much shorter shelf life. Therefore, they must be washed immediately before use.

When purchasing, you should carefully examine the integrity of the shell. After all, any crack, even the smallest one, can become a path for salmonella to penetrate into the product.

Where to store

The product should be stored in the refrigerator, in a separate container. The storage period should be no more than a week.

Before use, the shells must be washed well.

Who can be harmed?

As we have already noted, duck eggs are often affected by salmonella. Therefore, before using them for cooking, you should carefully wash the shell, preferably with soap. It is also important to wash your hands after touching the shell. You should not consume the raw product. This greatly increases the risk of contracting such a dangerous disease as salmonellosis.

Duck eggs should not be fed to children under 6 years of age.- they are quite difficult to digest for the digestive tract that has not yet formed.

Since 100 g of the product contains 21.23% of the daily requirement for a person of fat, it should not be consumed by people who are prone to overweight or obesity.

Anyone who is allergic to eggs should also not include them on their menu.

Did you know? Duck feet lack nerve endings. Therefore, ducks can walk on hot or very cold surfaces without feeling anything at all.

Video: duck egg pie

An amazing product - duck eggs. Their benefits and harms are very ambiguous. And they are not widespread in our food culture to know more. Let's figure out together who can have duck eggs and who can't.

How to eat duck eggs

Strictly after heat treatment! Never break this rule. The fact is that ducks are somewhat unscrupulous in their diet. And who knows what nasty things they managed to pick up during their lives? But all these microbes and bacteria can end up in the egg. Therefore - only for baking or hard boiling.

Of course, you can simply wash the eggs with baking soda or laundry soap in running water. You always do this, don't you? But this does not guarantee internal purity. It is impossible to wash the white and yolk.

Harm from duck eggs

The main reasons, according to some sources, are the risk of allergic reactions and harm to the figure. Any eggs can cause diathesis, rashes and even swelling. Therefore, duck eggs should be eaten with extreme caution, carefully listening to your body. If you feel the slightest discomfort, you should immediately stop eating this controversial product.

This is especially true for children. It is not advisable to let them even try duck eggs before the age of 7 years. They are also very difficult for the digestive system. This is clearly not a plus either.

As for the harm to the figure, the point is the excessively high fat content. Nutritionists recommend not to get carried away with such nutrition, so as not to be surprised by the number on the scales. The maximum permissible dosage for a healthy adult is 2 eggs per 10 days.

Benefits of duck eggs

Despite possible troubles if consumed incorrectly, duck eggs can bring tangible benefits in some cases.

With exhaustion and dystrophy. Many doctors strongly recommend eating duck eggs for people diagnosed with malnutrition. Naturally, in limited quantities. Otherwise, instead of building muscle mass, the body will start storing fat reserves.

The same feature will help with heavy physical activity and lack of weight. In addition, duck eggs are a powerful source of easily digestible protein. Some athletes use this distinctive feature for their own purposes. For example, when you need to quickly build muscle mass before a competition.

Did you know? It turns out that duck eggs are not widely used in food culture because of their unusual smell and taste. The eggs of all waterfowl suffer from this unpleasant quality. Few people like the aroma of mud on a plate. By the way, after heat treatment, the unpleasant amber disappears almost completely.

Duck eggs for pregnant women

Undoubtedly, duck eggs can bring many benefits to women planning to have a child. Laboratory studies showed high levels of folic acid in the composition. And this substance is responsible for the proper formation of the fetal brain and the entire nervous system.

But some doctors are very skeptical. This is because the possible risk of contracting salmonellosis outweighs all the benefits. After all, the body can get folic acid from other sources. Therefore, doctors almost unanimously recommend holding off on eating such a controversial product. At least during pregnancy and early breastfeeding. No one has canceled diathesis in infants.

Endocrinologists strongly recommend that diabetics avoid eating duck eggs. The fact is that both the white and the yolk contain a fairly large amount of calories. Therefore, the glycemic index of such a product will be quite high.

In addition, many diabetics are concerned about comorbidities. And eating such a controversial product can trigger an unexpected relapse. People with type 2 disease should pay special attention to this information. After all, with such a diagnosis, you never know what next “surprise” your own body may present.

Duck eggs in cosmetology

Now it is no longer known who came up with the idea of ​​using this product externally and not internally. Although, knowing the taste and smell of duck eggs, there are suspicions that any person could have done this. In fact, there’s no point in letting good things go to waste. Don't feel like eating this? So, we'll smear it.

For example, hair. Traditional medicine knows a great many different recipes for masks for women’s main pride. And many of them are quite ancient. But in those days there were no laboratories that could confirm the presence of B vitamins in eggs. It is these comrades who are responsible for hair growth and health. There are masks containing various natural ingredients:

  • strengthening
  • preventing hair loss
  • restorative
  • feeding
There are plenty of recipes in the public domain, this is not Cleopatra’s secret. You can choose any suitable one. Just be sure to mix the ingredients thoroughly before use. Because a duck egg has a more viscous and plastic consistency than a chicken egg. If you don't mix enough, applying the mask will turn into torture.

Advice. Never wash off mixtures with hot water if the recipe calls for raw whites or yolks of duck eggs. Under the influence of hot water, the mass will instantly curdle. Then it is almost impossible to wash the lumps out of your hair. Yes, and combing will be very problematic.

But it’s not just hair that benefits from duck egg masks. There are also protein-based products for facial skin. These recipes will be especially useful for those with oily and combination skin. They are not suitable for dry skin. These masks:

  • tighten pores
  • gets rid of oily shine
  • dried
  • matte
  • even out the tone

Of course, you will have to endure the unpleasant swampy smell of raw eggs for some time. But what won’t you do for the sake of beauty?

Even lovers of duck eggs are highly discouraged from getting too carried away with them. The digestive system has a hard time coping with such a dish. And if you overeat, intestinal upset may occur. This is especially true for fans of a late-night snack. For the stomach, duck eggs are akin to mushrooms. They are difficult to digest, and the benefits do not far outweigh the harm.

Laboratory studies have shown the presence of significant amounts of zinc and selenium in duck eggs. This is a very big plus. Because without the first, normal renewal of body cells and maintenance of the body’s protective functions are impossible.

The second is responsible for feeling great without medications. It also affects the proper functioning of hormones and the correct content of enzymes.

Some sources claim that sponge cake made with duck eggs is much better than its chicken “brother.” Allegedly, the consistency becomes soft, oily, and the smell of mud disappears.

We hasten to dispel the myth. The consistency of the finished product remains virtually unchanged. But the brightness of the color of the dough turns out to be much more intense than preparing a batch with chicken eggs.

These are such interesting strangers - duck eggs. Their benefits and harms are now known to you. Therefore, before including them in your diet, weigh the pros and cons, and be sure to consult with a qualified specialist.

Video: duck egg pie

Chicken and quail eggs are an integral part of the modern person’s menu. However, the eggs of many other birds can also be included in your diet.

For example, duck eggs are a source of a number of useful substances and a product of high nutritional value.

Duck eggs, like chicken eggs, can be eaten

The shell of duck eggs can be white, soft green or blue. Thanks to the thickness of the shell, the egg can stay fresh longer.

Duck eggs: eaten or not?

Do duck eggs eat? The eggs of these waterfowl are suitable for consumption, but they have a distinct taste and smell that not everyone will like.

The average weight of 1 duck egg is 90 g.

The size of a duck egg is slightly larger than that of a chicken egg, and the taste is quite specific

The calorie content of duck eggs is 185 kcal per 100 g. A duck egg contains 13.3 g of protein, 14.5 g of fat, 0.1 g of carbohydrates.

Prices for duck eggs

Duck eggs are not sold in urban grocery stores and supermarkets. For this product you need to go to the market or directly to the farm.

The second option is most preferable because on the market there is a risk of buying stale goods, because it is very difficult to determine the quality of duck eggs by appearance.

How much do duck eggs cost? The average cost is 250 rubles/dozen.

Which eggs are healthier, chicken or duck?

The vitamin and mineral composition of the products is similar, but there are significant differences between them.
How are duck eggs different from chicken eggs? Duck eggs are ahead of chicken eggs in terms of the content of vitamin A and B vitamins, but contain a large amount of cholesterol, 884 mg, and chicken eggs - 425 mg per 100 g of product. The degree of allergenicity of duck eggs is much lower than that of chicken eggs.
Duck eggs are usually larger than chicken eggs and do not look as clean. They are more caloric and nutritious, and have a rich taste. The product is a delicacy in Asian countries.
For example, duck eggs with embryos are very popular, see the video for details:

The benefits and harms of duck eggs

Are duck eggs healthy?

The beneficial properties of duck eggs are due to the presence in their composition of many valuable substances and minerals, including: magnesium and calcium, phosphorus and iron; vitamin A and B vitamins. The product is rich in folic acid and omega-3 fatty acids, albumin protein.

Due to the high fat content, you can include no more than 2 pieces per week in your diet.

Duck eggs are alkaline foods that can prevent cancer, so the benefits of duck eggs for human health are obvious.

Harm from eating duck eggs

Duck eggs contain a high percentage of fat, so those who are trying to lose weight should not get carried away with this product.
Eggs should be thoroughly washed with a brush and eaten only when boiled to protect your body from possible salmonella infection.
Duck eggs are heavy food and are slowly digested by the body, so it is better to eat them in the first half of the day.
It is not recommended to include duck eggs in the diet of pregnant and lactating women due to the risk of contracting avian diseases. Duck eggs can be included in a child’s menu only after 6 years of age. Persons with individual intolerance to the product should avoid this type of egg.

How to cook duck eggs?

In order to maintain the integrity of the eggs during the cooking process, you need to add a little table salt to the water.
Ready eggs should be cooled naturally to room temperature without pouring cold water over them.
Duck eggs are not used to prepare scrambled eggs or omelettes.

This is what raw and boiled duck eggs look like

How long to cook duck eggs? Duck eggs should only be hard-boiled. This requires at least 10 minutes, but no more than 20.

Applications of duck eggs

Duck eggs can serve as an alternative to chicken eggs when preparing dishes, one of the ingredients of which is a boiled egg.

Without a boiled egg, it is impossible to prepare many salads, pie fillings, okroshka, stuffed vegetables, etc.

Both the yolks and whites of eggs are added to the dough. The sponge cake made with duck eggs acquires an appetizing yellowish tint and an original delicate taste. Also, duck egg is the basis of some expensive brands of mayonnaise.
Since ancient times, the yolk of duck eggs has been used to preserve beauty. The product is included in hair shampoos and masks for oily skin.

How to properly store duck eggs?

Duck eggs stay fresh for no more than 7 days, provided they are stored in the refrigerator. They should be placed in a separate compartment with the sharp part facing down.

When asked whether duck eggs can be eaten, the answer will be in the affirmative only if a person has no contraindications to the product and if the eggs are well boiled.

Similar materials

Few people think that duck eggs are a tasty and healthy food product that can be eaten regularly. You can find them on the shelves of any grocery store; quail ones are much less often found on sale - and it seems that this is quite enough.

It is not customary to eat duck eggs simply because it is much easier to keep and raise chickens. Therefore, they have become the main type of farm birds, which are raised both in large factories and in small farmsteads. Meanwhile, duck eggs are a tasty and healthy product that can be an excellent addition to your usual diet.

The calorie content of duck eggs is higher than that of chicken eggs: about 185 kcal per 100 g. Another difference is that they are more nutritious due to their high protein and fat content.

100 g of this product contains:

  • proteins - 13.3 g;
  • fat - 13.77;
  • carbohydrates - 1.45 g.


Due to the large amount of protein, a duck egg is a valuable food product. Amino acids, into which proteins are broken down, serve as building materials for body tissues, are a valuable source of energy and perform other functions.

Duck eggs are also rich in essential amino acids, that is, those that the human body cannot synthesize on its own. It is very important to get them in sufficient quantities with food.

Duck eggs contain not only nutrients - they are also rich in essential nutrients for the human body. They include:

  • vitamin A;
  • vitamins B6 and B12;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron.

Possible harm

However, if consumed in excess, duck eggs can pose a health hazard.

The fact is that they contain large amounts of fat, so people who tend to gain excess weight need to use them with caution. Also, due to their high cholesterol content, duck eggs can contribute to the development and progression of atherosclerosis.

This product may cause allergies, however, this happens very rarely. In case of intolerance to duck eggs, the only correct solution is to refuse to eat them.

How to distinguish a chicken egg from a duck egg and from a goose egg?

The average weight of duck eggs is about 90 g. Thus, they are one and a half times larger than chicken eggs. Their color can be different - most often they are white, but blue and light green are also often found. Thus, you can always easily distinguish duck eggs from chicken eggs by appearance.

In turn, geese eggs are even larger than duck eggs, so they are also easy to distinguish by size. - this is a very large bird, and the average size of its eggs is about 180 g, so they are twice the size of a duck egg and three times the size of a chicken egg. It is precisely because of the difference in size that it is quite difficult to confuse these three products.

Checking for freshness

If you want to eat only fresh duck eggs, it is best to buy them from farmers who keep and breed this bird. However, in any case, you cannot be sure that the product is not spoiled. There are several ways to determine the freshness of a duck egg:

  • Place it in water: a fresh egg will sink and lie on its side at the bottom of a container of water, an older one, which is still completely edible, will sink to the bottom and stand vertically in the water, and a spoiled one will float;
  • Shake: a fresh egg does not make any sound when shaken, but inside the shell of a spoiled product there is quite a lot of free space, so when shaking you will hear gurgling.
  • Break: The yolk of an egg becomes cloudy over time, acquiring a less intense color, and it also becomes watery. Therefore, when you break a spoiled egg and place the contents of the shell on a plate, the yolk will not hold its shape and will simply spread over the surface. Also, as the duck egg spoils, the white becomes more and more watery.

How to cook

Boiling duck eggs is no more difficult than chicken eggs, but there are some differences. First of all, they must be washed with soap. Eggs obtained from ducks are noticeably dirtier than chicken eggs, so they must be washed more thoroughly.

Since duck eggs are quite large, they need to be cooked for a long time - at least 10-13 minutes. If you keep them in boiling water less, there is a risk that they will retain dangerous bacteria, the most common of which is.

Just like chickens, ducks can be carriers of this, and if cooked incorrectly, anyone can become infected with dangerous microorganisms through their eggs.

Duck eggs are a healthy and nutritious product that you can safely include in your daily diet to make it more varied. The main thing is to prepare them correctly and observe moderation when eating them. Due to the high fat content, duck eggs cannot be called a dietary product, so if they are contained in excess in the diet, you can gain excess weight.

Ducks are most often bred for their tender and tasty meat. However, birds also produce large and tasty eggs that can be used in cooking. Duck eggs have a number of beneficial properties and are rich in vitamins and microelements that are necessary for the normal functioning of organs and systems.

The value of duck eggs

Duck eggs differ from chicken eggs in their large size and stronger shell. The shell is most often painted white; cream is less common. Sometimes there is a greenish or bluish tint. The unusual Cayuga breed lays eggs with black shells. However, the color of the shell does not in any way affect the composition of the product or its taste.

The product is rich in vitamins A, E and B. Vitamin A is required for visual acuity. Vitamin E helps maintain beauty and youth longer. And B vitamins normalize the functioning of the nervous system. In addition, they have a beneficial effect on all organs and systems.

Among microelements, duck eggs contain potassium, phosphorus, sodium and calcium. Potassium is required for normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. Calcium strengthens bones. Together with sodium, it helps accelerate tissue regeneration. Sodium maintains normal water balance. The composition also contains a small amount of selenium and amino acids.

The product is also rich in folic acid, which is essential for women’s health, so it is recommended for pregnant women. It has a beneficial effect on the formation of red blood cells.

BJU ratio of duck eggs

100 g of product contains 185 kcal. This calorie content is considered high, which is why eating duck eggs is often not recommended. The calorie content of duck product especially affects those who are prone to rapid weight gain or are trying to get rid of extra pounds. It is better to consume dishes in the preparation of which this high-calorie product is used, no more than once every 3-4 days.

As for the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, 100 g or one egg, which weighs on average 85-90 g, contains 14.5 g of fat, 13.3 g of protein and 0.1 g of carbohydrates. The chicken product contains 2-2.5 times less protein and fat.

Beneficial features

The benefits of duck eggs for the human body are great:

  1. Consumption of duck product, rich in vitamins, amino acids and various microelements, is recommended for people who have suffered from an illness and are in the recovery stage. It will help normalize the functioning of the human immune system.
  2. The microelements present in the composition help athletes recover after physical activity and minimize the risk of injury (bone fractures, dislocations, etc.).
  3. During epidemics and viruses, selenium activates the protective functions of the human body.
  4. Vitamin B12 can prevent the appearance and development of anemia. It regulates metabolic processes in the body and stimulates brain activity.

Scientists note that duck eggs have a beneficial effect not only on the functioning of organs and systems, but also on a person’s mood.

Using eggs

The poultry product has found application not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology.

In cooking

You can eat duck eggs in any form. They are suitable for cooking scrambled eggs and are included in more complex dishes (casseroles and sauces, for example). At the same time, the dishes have a rich taste and pleasant aroma. The exception is those that are prepared at low temperatures or do not undergo heat treatment at all (protein cream, for example). All pathogenic microorganisms contained in one egg die at a temperature of 120 °C. At the same time, the products do not lose their beneficial properties. Due to their larger size and thick shell, duck eggs take about 12 minutes to cook. To get a soft-boiled dish, cook it for a maximum of 7 minutes. An omelette made from duck products takes the same amount of time to prepare as from chicken ones. Before cooking, they are rinsed under running water. It is better to wash them with baking soda.

They can be used to make homemade mayonnaise. Due to the fact that the products do not undergo heat treatment, mayonnaise becomes dangerous. This should be taken into account before preparing it.

The weight of eggs laid by a duck is almost 1.5-2 times greater than that of a chicken; the recipes of the dishes change slightly. It is better to use those recipes that indicate not the quantity of required ingredients, but their weight. Separately, it is worth mentioning about baking. Duck eggs make a fluffy sponge cake and a delicious charlotte. In addition to baking, dishes are prepared that are served as a starter (broths and okroshka). It takes the required amount of time to cook broths so that all pathogenic microbes that can harm the body (salmonella, for example) are killed.

Eggs should be stored in the refrigerator. It is recommended to place them not on the door, where the temperature is slightly lower due to its constant opening, but on the main shelves. It is impossible to store the product provided by duck for a long time, which is why it is not worth buying it in large quantities. To prepare an omelette for 2 people, sometimes it is enough to take one egg. To get healthy food, you need to use only fresh products.

In cosmetology

Duck eggs are widely used to improve the condition of skin and damaged hair. To solve the problem of oily skin, protein is mixed with white clay and the composition is applied to the face. For dry skin, use a composition made from yolk and clay. Wash off the mask after it has completely dried. The effect is noticeable after the first use.

The benefits of the product for hair are also invaluable. To prepare homemade hair conditioner, both white and yolk are used, which restore shine to the strands. To strengthen your hair, use a mask made from yolk, 100 ml of natural yogurt, 2 tbsp. l. honey and the same amount of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Keep this mask on your hair for 25-30 minutes.

Contraindications for use

A lot has been said about the benefits of this product. However, it can also cause harm. A large amount of fat can lead to weight gain. People who are obese or prone to it should not eat it. It can also cause harm to those who have high cholesterol levels in the blood. People with allergies should use it with caution. It is better to first make sure that there is no allergy to this product. Lactation and pregnancy are not a contraindication to eating duck eggs. But the product is subjected to heat treatment for 15-20 minutes (at least 100 °C).

A duck cannot be called a clean bird. Many bacteria accumulate on the shell. To ensure that the dishes are ultimately healthy, the shells are thoroughly washed before breaking. It is worth removing it before placing the eggs in the refrigerator.

Why should old people and children not eat duck eggs?

What is the difference between chicken and duck eggs?


Farming allows you to obtain many useful products. If you have ducklings or geese in your poultry yard, you should use eggs to prepare different dishes. Goose eggs and duck eggs are similar in composition and properties. The benefits of duck eggs are undeniable.

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