Turkish achma - the most delicate buns at home: step-by-step recipes with photos. Achma with cheese: recipes Cooked puff pastry dish with cheese

Turkish achma - the most delicate buns at home: step-by-step recipes with photos. Achma with cheese: recipes Cooked puff pastry dish with cheese


Sweet pies

1 hour 20 minutes

260 kcal

5/5 (1)

Friends sometimes call me a “cheese soul”: I can eat cheese in any dish, every day, literally go on a cheese diet. Naturally, I also cook various baked goods with it. Once I visited a wonderful Georgian family, where I was treated to an amazing layer cake with cheese filling.

Although I usually limit myself to flour, I couldn’t resist here - it literally melted in my mouth, so it was simply impossible to refuse the additive. The hostess told me that this delight is called achma, and this is one of the traditional Georgian dishes, the recipe of which she kindly shared. Now I cook it at home on holidays.

Georgian Achma

Kitchen appliances: stove, oven, grater.


How to choose the right ingredients

  • In the classic version, this pie uses Imeretian cheese, but it can be replaced with feta cheese, suluguni or other pickled varieties. As a last resort, mix hard cheese and cottage cheese (preferably grainy).
  • Please note that the butter must be of the highest quality possible - the taste of the achma largely depends on this.

Step-by-step recipe for Georgian achma

This dish resembles a layer cake. It’s better to cook it with an assistant - it turns out faster.

  1. Fill a saucepan with water, add vegetable oil, and put on fire.
  2. Break the eggs into a bowl and whisk until smooth. Pour in 2 glasses of water.

  3. Mix soda with flour and add to the dough.
  4. The consistency of the dough should not be sticky, but you shouldn’t make it too hard either.

  5. Melt the butter in a separate saucepan or frying pan.

  6. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.

  7. Divide the dough into nine parts. Roll out the first one thinly, then place it in a mold greased with vegetable oil. The edges of the sheet of dough should cover the sides of the pan, not just the bottom.

  8. Roll out the next piece thinly, then quickly lower it into a pan of water for one minute.

  9. It is convenient to remove the dough using a colander, after which it is immersed in cold water. After this, place the workpiece on a towel to dry.
  10. Grease the dough in the mold with melted butter. Place the cooked sheet of dough on top and brush with oil again.

  11. The remaining sheets (except the last one) are prepared in this way.
  12. The fourth and eighth sheets are not only coated with butter, but also sprinkled with cheese - divide the entire volume in half and distribute the filling evenly.

  13. The last leaf is not boiled, but placed raw on top. Its edges are tucked in, as if sealing the pie.

  14. Cut the achma into pieces in the form (the bottom two leaves should remain intact), then pour in the remaining oil.

  15. Let the pie sit in the refrigerator for about half an hour.
  16. This cake is baked at 180 degrees for about 40 minutes.

It is better to serve achma hot.

Achma recipe video

To learn how to prepare achma at home, watch the following video. It tells all the secrets of making such a pie.

Achma in a slow cooker

This pie is even easier to prepare.

  • Cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 5-6.
  • Kitchen appliances: multicooker.


How to choose ingredients

  • Achma will be juicier and tastier if you use not low-fat cottage cheese and kefir, but products with 5-9% fat content.
  • Dill can be taken not only fresh, but also frozen.
  • Suluguni or feta cheese can be replaced with Adyghe cheese.

Cooking sequence

You can make this pie in a hurry. This won't take much time.

  1. Mash the cottage cheese with a fork. Finely chop the dill. Coarsely grate the cheese.
  2. Mix all filling ingredients thoroughly.

  3. Whisk the eggs until smooth.
  4. Pour kefir into them and stir the mixture again.

  5. Divide one sheet of lavash into four equal parts. If there are more sheets, leave one for the base, and divide the rest into parts.
  6. Grease the bottom and sides of the multicooker bowl with sunflower oil. You can also put parchment on the bottom.

  7. Carefully place a large sheet of pita bread so that it covers the bottom and sides of the bowl. Make sure it doesn't tear. Make sure there are no “gaps” and the bowl is not visible.

  8. Place a fifth of the filling on the pita bread and distribute evenly. Sprinkle a little with the kefir-egg mixture.

  9. Cover the top with pita bread (a small piece). Place the filling again and pour over the kefir and eggs.
  10. Repeat this pattern until you run out of pita bread. Place the filling on top.
  11. Cover the cake with the remaining large sheet that hangs over the edges of the bowl.

  12. You need to bake the achma in the “Baking” or “Multi-cook” mode for an hour.

  13. After this, carefully turn the pie over and keep it in the slow cooker again on the same mode for about twenty minutes.

Video of preparing achma

To make such a delicious and simple pie, watch the following video. It describes and shows the cooking technology.

How to decorate and how to serve achma

  • It is best to serve achma, as well as hot. As a last resort, reheat it - this will not deteriorate the taste.
  • Achma will be an excellent appetizer, but it can also be an independent dish, for example, for breakfast or dinner.
  • It is best to decorate the achma with chopped herbs: parsley, dill.
  • , which is a bit like achma.
  • If you like spicy dishes, add chopped garlic and pepper to the filling.

Of the two achma recipes, you can choose the one you like best. Tell us in the comments how the pie turned out and how you would change or add to the recipe.

The recipe belongs to Georgian cuisine and is, in fact, one of the varieties of khachapuri, that is, baked goods with cheese. Achma is prepared from thin boiled sheets of dough, which, when assembled, are sandwiched with brine cheese and butter. Any young cheese is used as a filling: Suluguni, Imeretian, Adyghe, mozzarella, feta cheese or a mixture of them.

Georgian achma is very tasty, juicy on the inside and crispy on the outside. But it will take time and physical strength to prepare it. First, knead the dough, roll it into thin sheets and boil it in boiling water. Then each one is generously poured with butter, layered with filling and baked in the oven until browned. The result is a very satisfying pie for real heroes! The baked goods are high in calories and filling, but so tasty that it is almost impossible to stop at one piece. Therefore, it makes sense to prepare a large portion at once, and then reheat the next day, unless, of course, there is something left after the first tea drinking.

Total cooking time: 90 minutes
Cooking time: 40 minutes
Yield: 8 servings, 22 cm mold


for the recipe

  • wheat flour – 250 g
  • chicken eggs – 2 pcs.
  • cold water – 2 tbsp. l.
  • salt – 1/3 tsp.
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.

For filling

  • suluguni – 400-500 g
  • butter – 150 g
  • salt – 1-2 chips. of necessity


Big photos Small photos

    First of all, let's prepare the dough for the achma. Sift all the flour into a deep bowl at once, make a small depression in the center and beat a couple of eggs into it. Add salt, water and vegetable oil.

    Knead the dough, gradually mixing the flour into the eggs. I stir first with a knife and then with my hands. The consistency of the dough will be dense and elastic, slightly sticking to your hands. We form a ball out of it, sprinkle with flour and leave for 20-30 minutes to “rest”. During this time, the dough will become more pliable and elastic. To prevent drying, I recommend covering the bowl with a damp towel or cling film.

    While the dough is resting, prepare the filling. Everything is simple here. You need to grate the cheese and melt the butter - you can do it in the microwave, in a water bath or in the oven. In a bowl with grated suluguni, I add 3 tablespoons of melted butter for juiciness and mix. The filling should taste salty, so if your cheese is lightly salted, be sure to add a couple of pinches of salt.

    Knead the rested dough again and divide it into 10 parts - about 40 g each (I used a mold with a diameter of 22 cm, if you have a larger mold, then divide the dough into 8 parts, otherwise it will be very difficult to roll out the dough).

    Roll out the dough balls into flat cakes from the middle to the edges, adding flour. The dough needs to be rolled out as thin as possible. Ideally, it should be translucent so that the book can be read through it. The edges don’t have to be straight; they will still curl up. The main thing here is that the cake turns out thin and large - 3-4 cm larger in diameter than your baking dish.

    Roll out all the dough sheets in the same way. They can be stacked on top of each other, sprinkled with flour so that they do not stick together.

    Generously grease the top with melted butter again and sprinkle with grated cheese (calculate the amount so that it is enough to cover all the layers).

    Boil the remaining 8 sheets in boiling, lightly salted water. To do this, prepare a pan with boiling water and place a bowl of cold water next to it (you can add ice cubes to it). We lower the sheet of dough into boiling water, as if in wave-like movements, so that nothing sticks together. Cook for 30 seconds. Use a spoon or slotted spoon to catch the dough from the boiling water and immediately plunge it into ice water to cool quickly.

    After a couple of seconds, remove from the water, let it drain and place in the mold. There is no need to try to lay it flat, let there be folds, waves and bubbles, they give the dish a special lace pattern on the medium. It's okay if the dough tears a little. Grease the boiled leaf with butter and sprinkle with cheese.

    We repeat the procedure with the remaining sheets, that is, boil, cool and lay on top of each other, layering with butter and cheese. When all the layers are laid, cover the top of the pie with the last 10th layer of RAW dough. We turn up the edges. Be sure to grease the top with butter as well.

    Place in the oven preheated to 200 degrees. Bake for approximately 30-40 minutes. Since our dough was pre-boiled, we just wait until the top of the pie turns golden.

    If you cut into a hot pie, you can see how beautifully the melted cheese stretches. But it’s better not to rush and cut the achma into portions after 15-20 minutes, when it has cooled down a little and become stronger.

    The pie is very rich and fatty, but incredibly tasty, like all traditional dishes of Georgian cuisine! Goes great with greens or just a cup of hot tea. Cheese pie is best served warm; you can reheat it in the microwave. Be sure to try making achma at home - you won’t regret it!

Achma is a layer cake from Abkhazia, the dough for which needs to be boiled. Its amazing taste is ensured by the original filling of several types of delicate cheese, combined with soft unleavened dough. Sometimes a mixture of fresh herbs is added to the filling - cilantro, basil, dill and parsley.

Also use sour cream, natural yogurt or melted butter. In any case, this is an incredibly tasty dish that, once you try it, you will never forget and want to try again. Our recipe represents the classic Abkhazian achma.


Achma recipe with cheese

Grate Imereti cheese on a coarse grater, add 0.5 tbsp. butter and mix well. Instead of Imeretian cheese, you can take 500 g of unsalted suluguni and Adyghe cheese, or a mixture of Adyghe cheese, mozzarella and feta. In total you will need 1 kg of filling. If you think the cheese is too bland, you can salt it a little.

Sift the flour through a fine sieve and pour into a bowl. Make a well in the center and pour in warm (not hot!) water and 0.5 tbsp. melted butter, mix. Then add the eggs one at a time into the dough and knead it well. Place on a floured table, grease your hands with oil to prevent the dough from sticking to them, and knead it again.

The dough should be stiff and elastic. You need to divide it into 10 parts, two of which should be slightly larger than the others - this will be the top and bottom of the achma. Take a large portion of the dough and roll it out as thin as possible. Don't worry if it tears a little - it won't be noticeable in the finished achma. Place the rolled out layer on a baking sheet.

The edges of the layer should protrude 1-2 cm beyond the baking sheet. Now you need to fill a large pan with water and put it on the fire. Roll out 8 small pieces of dough as thin as possible. When the water boils, you need to very carefully and carefully lower each thin layer into boiling water for 15 seconds, and then use a slotted spoon to remove it into a pre-set colander.
The boiled dough inside the achma can fold into folds. Each layer must be doused with a stream of cold water. Make sure that the water pressure is weak, otherwise the dough will tear. Place the cooled layer on a paper towel to absorb any remaining water. After this, the cooked dough needs to be transferred and placed on a damp layer on a baking sheet, brushed with melted butter and laid out a small amount of filling.

Remember - there should be enough cheese for 8 layers! Next, you need to take the next piece of dough, roll it out, cook it and place it on top of the cheese filling. Grease with butter and add cheese. And repeat this way until the last 8th layer. Do not put the filling on the 8th layer. Boil the layer, grease with oil and cover the top with a thinly rolled out raw layer of dough.

To prevent the cheese filling from leaking out, the top wet layer must be tucked under the bottom one. Make sure that the top layer does not tear under any circumstances, otherwise all the filling will leak out! The entire assembled pie should be lightly pressed with your hands, greased with oil on top and sides, and refrigerated for 2-3 hours (or left overnight).

Before placing the pie in the oven, you can cut it halfway into portions - then it will retain its shape when finished. Bake the pie in an oven preheated to 180º for 40-50 minutes until golden brown. Before serving, you can cut the achma to the end. Enjoy the amazing cheese taste!

6 servings

1 hour 50 minutes

287 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

Achma is one of the most delicious and satisfying Georgian dishes. In essence, it is an Adjarian layer cake with cheese. If you have ever tried this amazing dish, you probably haven’t forgotten its spicy and juicy taste. Despite the fact that this dish is often prepared by professionals, today we will learn how to prepare this delicacy in ordinary home conditions.

Classic achma with cheese

Kitchen appliances and utensils: a pan for melting butter (it is best to take one with a double bottom), a large saucepan with a wide bottom, a large grater, an iron colander, a clean towel, a brush for greasing baked goods, an oven.


How to choose the right ingredients

The recipe for Georgian achma includes very simple ingredients. Imereti cheese is the most common of Georgian cheeses. You can easily find it at the market or supermarket. However, in this case it would be better to go to the market. Don’t forget to always ask for a product to try: the cheese should be plastic and moderately unripe, and its taste should be moderately salty.

Also, for our recipe it will be necessary to take premium flour, fresh eggs and butter with a high percentage of fat content.

Step by step recipe

First stage

  1. In a small saucepan (with a double bottom) melt 200 g of butter. We also fill about a quarter of a wide-bottomed pan with water and bring it to a boil (we will prepare our dough in it).

  2. Grate a kilogram of unsalted Imeretian cheese on a coarse grater.

  3. Prepare the dough. To mix it, we will need to use 4 eggs, 1 tsp. soda, 2 glasses of warm water.

  4. Our dough should be stiff (but not too stiff) so that we can roll it out thinly.

  5. After we have kneaded the dough, we need to make a thick sausage out of it and cut it into 9 equal parts.

  6. Sprinkle our work surface with flour and start rolling out the dough. We need to roll out the first part into a thin “diaper”. This must be done carefully so as not to tear it.

  7. Take out a baking sheet and grease it with oil. Then we place our first rolled out layer of dough on it so that it hangs over the edges.

  8. Add 1 tsp to boiling water. salt and 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. You also need to prepare a large plate with cold water and a clean towel (we will dry the finished dough on it).
  9. Roll out the second layer of dough (it should not be as thin as the previous one) and lower it into boiling water for about 2 minutes.

  10. After it is cooked, scoop it out with a colander and put it in a cold bowl of water.

  11. Then place the dough on our towel. Let it dry thoroughly.

  12. After it has dried, it must be transferred to our baking sheet and evenly distribute all the folds so that we get an even layer.

Second phase

  1. Using a brush, brush our layer of dough with melted butter.

  2. We repeat the procedure with rolling out, cooking, cooling, drying, laying and coating the dough two more times.

  3. After the fourth layer, sprinkle grated Imeretian cheese evenly over the dough.

  4. We roll out 4 more times, cook, cool, dry, lay and coat our pieces of dough.

  5. There is no need to cook the last layer of dough, the main thing is to roll it out so that it is larger than the previous layers.

  6. Along the edges of the baking sheet we cut off the bottom layer of our pie. This can be done using a knife or kitchen scissors.

  7. Carefully lay the top layer of achma, and also tuck it inside so that it “seals” the edges.

  8. Cut the dish into 6 equal square pieces. Pour the remaining butter into the slits and also coat the top layer of dough.

  9. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

  10. After this time, bake the achma for 40 minutes in an oven preheated to 180°.

  11. Tasty and satisfying achma is ready. It may taste somewhat reminiscent of .

Video recipe for preparing achma with cheese

Of course, this dish is very difficult and requires a lot of effort. You can learn more about how to prepare achma at home in the video. With it, you can familiarize yourself with all the intricacies of making a pie, as well as test yourself at all stages of cooking.

Lazy achma with cheese in a slow cooker

If you don’t have the time and energy to prepare the dough, use lavash instead. Lazy lavash achma, cooked in a slow cooker, tastes almost no different from the traditional one, but at the same time it is prepared much faster and easier. The technology for preparing this dish is almost no different. Instead of dough, we will use pita bread, and marinade to lubricate the layers.

Cooking time: 1 hour 50 minutes (an hour and a half will need to be spent baking the achma in a slow cooker).
Number of servings: 8.
Kitchen appliances and utensils: multicooker, coarse grater, whisk (you can also use a mixer).


Step by step recipe

  1. First we need to prepare the marinade. To do this, use a whisk to beat 2 eggs together with 500 ml of kefir.

  2. Grate 250 g of Suluguni cheese on a coarse grater, as well as 250 g of Adyghe cheese.

  3. Grease the sides of the multicooker with 10 g of butter.

  4. Let's start laying down the layers of the pie. To begin, take 1 sheet of pita bread and place it on the bottom of the multicooker so that it covers the entire bottom of the container, as well as its sides.

  5. Divide the lavash sheet into two halves. Dip them in the marinade and place them in a second layer in the slow cooker.

  6. Spread half of the grated Adyghe cheese and suluguni evenly in the third layer.

  7. Divide the third sheet of pita bread into two halves. Dip them in the marinade and place them on top of the cheese so that it completely covers it.

  8. We form the fifth layer from the remaining cheese.

  9. Take the fourth sheet of pita bread, dip it in the marinade and form the last layer.

  10. Pour the remaining marinade over the pie. We also lay out 40 g of butter.

  11. Bake the achma in a multicooker for 50 minutes in the “baking” mode. After the time has passed, turn it over and bake in the same mode for another 40 minutes.

Video recipe for cooking lazy achma with cheese in a slow cooker

This simple but very tasty recipe was suggested to me by a friend who she saw in a video. If you have any difficulties with your cooking, you can easily fix them with its help.

How to decorate

Any greens are perfect for decorating achma with cheese. This can be either the usual parsley and onion, or more sophisticated options such as rosemary and basil. This technique is often used for decoration.

  • The dish is best cooked in a baking tray with high sides.
  • The traditional filling for achma is suluguni cheese. It is difficult to find, but the time and effort spent will pay off: the salty and spicy taste of this ingredient will certainly not leave anyone indifferent.
  • To prepare the dish, it is best to use flour with a high gluten content. It should also be chosen when cooking.

How to serve a dish correctly

It is always worth remembering that achma must be served hot. It is best to send it to the table literally 5-10 minutes after you take the pie out of the oven. If the achma has cooled down, feel free to reheat it in the oven or microwave (don’t be afraid, this won’t make it any less tasty). Serve the dish with light salad and ayran.

Other preparation and filling options

To diversify the dish, we can safely experiment with the filling. Add any cheeses you like (most importantly, salted ones). For example, achma with feta cheese will be very tasty: it will have an unusual and spicy taste.

Don't forget that cheese goes well with mushrooms. Therefore, we are not afraid to add them to our filling. have always been distinguished by their special taste, they will certainly become a decoration of your holiday table. Also, if we wish, we can make our dish softer - sour cream (4 tablespoons is enough) and herbs (you can add a couple of small sprigs of dill) will help us with this.

Write to us in the comments if you liked the recipe for making achma with cheese. Share it with your friends, and also suggest your own options for preparing toppings for the dish.

It is believed that achma is a Georgian dish, a national variety of khachapuri. Multilayer pastries with a golden brown crust, with a lot of different types of cheese and butter, very tasty and very high in calories.

The pie was so popular that its recipe quickly spread through cookbooks all over the world, and at the moment there are more than 100 known ways to prepare achma.

And here is another delicious Bulgarian recipe for a pie with cottage cheese from lavash - called Bannitsa, details about the recipe.

Classic recipe, achma with several types of cheese

Of course, nothing can compare with the original, so the most delicious, of course, is the classic achma. The recipe for preparing it at home is very painstaking, but the result is “finger-licking good!”

Ingredients. To prepare you will need:

  • fine flour – 1 kg (a little more or a little less);
  • premium table egg – 5 pcs;
  • water – 250 ml;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • sour cream – 250;
  • butter, preferably homemade – 300 g;
  • lightly salted suluguni cheese – 250 g;
  • Imeretian cheese – 250 g (can be replaced with Adyghe cheese);
  • feta cheese – 250 g.

You will also need a large saucepan, a cup for kneading dough, a cup for cheese, a grater, a bowl for butter, a baking dish, and a brush for spreading the butter.

What to prepare: What else needs to be done.

  1. Fill a large saucepan 2/3 full with water and place on fire.
  2. Grate all the cheese into a separate bowl and mix; a coarse grater will work fine.
  3. Place the butter in a bowl and melt it in the microwave or on the stove.

Prepare the dough. Step-by-step recommendations:

  • Break 5 eggs into a large bowl and beat with a whisk;
  • add salt, water, sour cream and mix everything;
  • Add sifted flour portionwise and knead until the dough becomes dense (like dumplings), but elastic;
  • Divide the dough into 7-9 parts depending on the size of the baking dish, 2 parts should be larger than the rest, this will be the top and bottom layers of the pie.

Assembling the pie. Detailed instructions:

  1. Roll out 1 large piece of dough into a very thin cake and line the bottom of a deep baking tray, so that the edges of the cake hang 20 mm over the sides, lightly grease with oil. 2 Most of it will be needed for the topmost layer.
  2. Roll out another thin cake to the size of the baking dish, carefully lower it into a pan of boiling water, cook for 15-20 seconds, remove the finished cake and place it on a towel so that all the water is gone.
  3. Transfer the finished cake to a baking sheet and place it on top of the prepared raw layer.
  4. Grease the second layer generously with melted butter and sprinkle with cheese.
  5. We carry out the following manipulations with the remaining parts of the dough: roll it out, put it in boiling water, blot it on a towel, put a layer on it, grease it with butter and sprinkle it with cheese.
  6. When all the layers are laid, we turn the edges of the bottom layer up.
  7. Roll out 2 large parts of the dough, it should not tear. When raw, cover the prepared pie with it, fold the edges under the very bottom, press tightly so that the butter and cheese do not leak out.
  8. We send the baking sheet with the future pie to cool in the refrigerator, ideally for 6-8 hours, but the recipe for achma with cheese allows you to keep the workpiece in the cold for about an hour.
  9. We take out the pie and grease it thoroughly on all sides with melted butter.

Preheat the oven to a temperature of 180 o C and place the baking sheet with the pie there. Cooking time 45-60 minutes, depending on the number of layers. When baked, an appetizing golden crust forms on top.

Lazy achma from lavash with cheese

The following recipe for achma from lavash is not as painstaking as preparing classic achma. The recipe allows you to quickly bake a tasty, satisfying dish and at the same time avoid the troublesome kneading of dough.

Ingredients. You will need for cooking:

  • thin pita bread – 2-3 sheets;
  • sour cream 15-20% or kefir – 500 ml;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • soft cheese, pickled (Adyghe, feta cheese, suluguni) – 450 g;
  • hard cheese, the most inexpensive, easy to melt - 150 g (but you don’t have to put it in);
  • fresh herbs (dill, parsley, cilantro) - optional.

Filling. What you need for preparation:

  • grate soft cheese on a coarse grater (you can take 1 variety, but it’s tastier when there are several types);
  • chop the greens finely;
  • grate hard cheese;
  • mix the prepared ingredients;
  • Beat eggs and sour cream separately in a bowl.

Preparation. How to assemble achma from pita bread with cheese according to the recipe:

  1. Line a baking pan with pita bread; the edges should extend beyond the sides so that they can then be used to cover the top of the pie.
  2. Generously brush the bottom layer with a mixture of eggs and sour cream.
  3. Sprinkle with cheese.
  4. Place another layer of pita bread on top according to the size of the mold, generously brush it with egg-sour cream mixture and sprinkle with cheese. Repeat the process with the next layer. There should be 5-9 such layers, depending on the depth and size of the form.
  5. When the last layer has been laid, anointed and sprinkled with cheese, cover the entire pie with the specially left edges of the bottom pita bread, tucking it in well on the sides.
  6. To get a juicy and rosy achma, the step-by-step recipe recommends pouring the remaining eggs beaten with sour cream onto the top covering layer and pouring generously of melted butter (the butter can simply be spread in small pieces over the surface of the pie).
  7. Leave the workpiece for 45-60 minutes so that all layers are saturated.
  8. Preheat the oven to a temperature of 180 o C and place the pie in it for baking for 30-45 minutes, until a beautiful golden brown crust forms.

A simple recipe for making achma from lavash, cheese and cottage cheese

This is the simplest recipe for achma from pita bread with cheese; by the way, cheese can easily be replaced with cottage cheese with sour cream, add herbs, or mix parts of cheese and cottage cheese in any proportion suitable for you.

Ingredients. It turns out a very tasty filling for achma according to the recipe of a lazy housewife:

  • 1 part fat cottage cheese, homemade, for a standard pie - 300 g;
  • 2 parts sour cream – 600 ml;
  • 1 part soft cheese, preferably lightly salted suluguni – 300 g;
  • 2 eggs.

Filling. How to prepare lazy filling for achma:

  • Mash the cottage cheese.
  • Grate the cheese.
  • Break the eggs into a cup and mix with sour cream. Add grated cheese and cottage cheese, mix well.
  • If desired, you can add finely chopped dill, parsley, and cilantro. Garlic lovers add a few crushed cloves.

To make the layers you will need thin pita bread - 2-3 pieces. You will also need butter - 100 g.

Preparation. Steps to prepare very lazy achma, lavash recipe:

  1. We line the mold with pita bread, it should be approximately 2.5 times larger than the mold, so that later the edges can be folded and covered with the pie.
  2. Spread the filling with a spoon and carefully spread it over the pita bread, the thickness of the layer of filling should be 5-10 mm, then the pie will be well soaked and it will turn out very juicy and cheesy.
  3. Place another layer of pita bread on top according to the size of the mold.
  4. Again, generously grease with filling, and so on for 5-7 or more layers.
  5. When all the layers are laid and coated, tightly close the achma with the left edges of the pita bread and tuck the sides well.
  6. Brush the top generously with oil and let the pie sit for 30-35 minutes.
  7. Preheat the oven, bake the laziest achma for 45 minutes at a temperature of 180 o C.

Achma in Turkish, buns with olives and sesame seeds

Achma according to the Turkish recipe is not at all similar to the Georgian pie . Rather, these are portioned buns and even without cheese.

Ingredients. To prepare you will need:

  • white flour, wheat, premium - 5 or 6 cups;
  • refined vegetable oil – 200 ml;
  • yeast - 11 grams of dry quick yeast, but you can also use live yeast, you will need 30 g;
  • milk of any fat content – ​​half a liter;
  • non-iodized salts – 1 tsp;
  • granulated sugar – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • natural butter – 180 g;
  • white or black sesame – 100-200 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • If desired, you can add finely chopped olives to the dough; a standard can of pitted olives is enough for this amount of dough.

Dough. How to knead the dough for achma in Turkish:

  1. Let's prepare the dough. Pour milk into a cup, heat it to a temperature of 30-33%, pour in sugar, salt, yeast. Mix well and add 2-3 tablespoons of flour, mix again, cover with a lid or towel, leave the dough to rise for 30 minutes in a warm place, it should rise like a cap and increase in volume by approximately 2 times.
  2. Sift all the remaining flour, preferably 2 times, so that it is saturated with oxygen. This way the dough will turn out much fluffier. Place the prepared flour in a deep bowl, pour the dough into it, and mix well.
  3. Next, pour vegetable oil into the dough and mix well so that all the oil is absorbed, the dough should not stick to your hands.
  4. Cover with a towel and leave in a warm place to rise for about an hour.
  5. At this time, cut the olives into 4 parts, or smaller ones.

Preparation. How to sculpt a Turkish achma:

  1. Divide the dough into small balls, approximately 70 mm in diameter.
  2. Knead each ball into a flat cake, 7-10 mm thick.
  3. Distribute the olive pieces evenly over the flatbread.
  4. We twist the flatbread into a roll and form it into a sausage, with a diameter of 20 mm and a length of about 100 mm. Twist it into a spiral and connect the ends. It should be a circle.
  5. Cover a baking sheet with parchment and place the formed buns on it. Let's leave for about half an hour.
  6. Break the egg into a bowl, beat with a fork and add 20-30 ml of water, beat again.
  7. Coat the egg mixture on all sides with the resulting egg mixture.
  8. Sprinkle generously with sesame seeds.
  9. Place in a preheated oven for 30-40 minutes, bake at 180°C.

Do you know any other Achma recipes? Then tell us your recipe in the comments.

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