Matcha tea is contraindicated. Matcha tea: benefits and harms, choice and preparation. Where to buy matcha tea inexpensively

Matcha tea is contraindicated. Matcha tea: benefits and harms, choice and preparation. Where to buy matcha tea inexpensively


Matcha (matcha) is a fine powder of high-quality tencha green tea. According to tradition, a portion of tea leaves is ground on a millstone immediately before drinking tea. I ground it, brewed it and drank it. It's not that simple though. “Brewed and drank” - this is purely European - on the go and in a hurry.

Matcha tea is a traditional drink for tea ceremonies. And this, as you have probably already heard, is a whole action that does not tolerate fuss and haste. We will not repeat this, and we should not even try to imitate the Japanese at a tea ceremony.

But, nevertheless, information about the super-healthiness of matcha tea has spread across all countries and continents, and a great many people have appeared who want to benefit from this strange green drink. The Japanese have established industrial production of tea and supply it in vacuum packages to supermarkets around the world - drink and stay healthy.

How to brew matcha correctly to get the most out of it?

Brewing matcha means mixing or whisking it well in hot water. The tea can be prepared in a light or more concentrated form. In Japan, weakly brewed matcha is called “usucha”, and strong matcha is called “koicha” - it all depends on the amount of water and brewing.

Utensils for brewing matcha:

Measuring cup to accurately measure the amount of water

Bowl for brewing tea - chawan (let it be ceramic or porcelain)

A bamboo powder measuring spoon called chasaku that holds 1g of tea powder. You can also take a teaspoon, but you must keep in mind that two bamboo measures are equivalent to one teaspoon

A strainer through which tea powder is sifted to remove lumps. To grind lumps of powder in a strainer, you can use a chasaku (measuring spoon)

Bamboo whisk – chasen (required, otherwise the matcha won’t work)

Preparation of usutya (weak tea):

Pour 2 g (two scoops) of tea leaves into a pre-warmed and wiped dry bowl and add 70-80 ml of hot water (80°C).

Mix thoroughly with a whisk so that there are no lumps or tea leaves on the walls of the bowl. You can whip it into foam, you don’t have to whip it - at will or in accordance with a certain tea tradition.

Usutya is bitter in taste, bright green in color, and not thick in consistency. This is a democratic tea, it is usually drunk without strict formalities with family or friends (as part of everyday tea culture).

Preparing koicha (strong tea):

The dishes are heated as for any brewing, but the tea vessel must be dry.

Take twice as much powder - 4 g (4 measuring spoons or a full teaspoon).

You will need 50 ml of water.

The mixture must be stirred with slow rotational movements. If the technology is maintained, the koitya will turn out thick and viscous with a sweetish-tart taste, with a beautiful, rich green foam on top. Koicha is a drink of tea ceremonies.

Since matcha (matcha) has an unusual taste - with bitterness, astringency, it is customary to serve national sweets - wagashi - with tea. They are eaten before tea.

When brewing matcha in any way, the tea is drunk together with the ground tea leaves, which is the key to its usefulness.

To consolidate the information, watch the video - How to brew matcha tea correctly

Matcha green tea has no analogues. Benefits and minor harm determine the value of this drink. The product is produced from special raw materials “tencha”, the peculiarity of which is growing in the shade. Tea has distant Chinese roots, but it is considered to be its homeland Japan. What you need to know about the drink? What properties does it have? How is it produced and prepared for use?

Description tea

In parallel with the rich history, matcha green tea is characterized by ancient semantic content. In Japan, its initial use was found Buddhist monks. They used it as a meditative tool.

The healing properties of the tea in question determined the attitude towards it as a medicine. Later, thanks to the unique taste, Matcha gradually began to gain the attention of residents of other countries and continents.

The process of preparing matcha tea leaves is carried out once a year and is characterized by a number of features. Sequence of production stages:

Production stage Description
Preparing plants for harvesting raw materials Half a month before the start of harvesting, the plantations are isolated from exposure to direct rays of the sun. This is accomplished by placing dense material with a mesh structure over the collection area. This leads to inhibition of photosynthesis. The result is:
  • enriching the composition of the plant with valuable amino acids;
  • acquiring color saturation;
  • revealing special aromatic and taste properties.
Collection and processing of tea leaves The feedstock is initially steamed. After this, manual processing is carried out. The latter involves straightening the tea leaves and removing hard veins.
Drying and grinding tea leaves The dried raw materials are converted to the smallest state. This happens as a result of crushing granite stones.

The use of the resulting tea leaves has gone beyond tea ceremonies. Tea is used for medical purposes, for cosmetic purposes, and in cooking for cooking.

You can buy tea leaves in supermarkets, tea shops and on various Internet sites. Storage period is one calendar year. Tea leaves should be isolated from sunlight and dampness. For this purpose, you can use a glass container with a tight lid.

Tea composition

A vitamin-mineral cocktail of the constituent elements of the green tea in question determines its healing properties. A cup of aromatic drink enriches the body with such elements as:

Healing characteristics of tea

The list of benefits of the tea in question for the human body is an impressive list in length. It includes the following items:

  • Manifestation of antioxidant qualities. The effect of consuming matcha exceeds the effect of the leaders in this matter: garlic, cabbage, prunes, and so on.
  • Increasing the protective properties of the body's immune system. The drink in question is a natural antibiotic. Its use allows you to increase resistance to various diseases.
  • Activation of brain function. The property is manifested in the qualitative perception of new information, in increased attentiveness and composure. This feature determines the advisability of drinking such tea during periods of increased mental activity.
  • Normalization of emotional state, providing a calming effect.
  • Accelerating the weight loss process. Drinking the drink is harmless to the body and stimulates the burning of fat cells. Its calorie content is almost zero.
  • Inhibition of age-related skin aging. The property is to enhance the protective properties of the skin, to smooth out the negative effects of ultraviolet rays and other harmful factors.
  • Prevention of heart and vascular diseases. Statistics indicate that this quality is more important for the male half of society. Regular consumption of matcha reduces the likelihood of these ailments by 11 percent.
  • Leveling cholesterol levels.
  • Preventing the development of varicose veins.
  • Increased efficiency and activity. The effect of use lasts for a quarter of a day. It is not accompanied by an increase in pressure and excitability. The property is provided by the constituent component L-theanine.
  • Resistance to the development of caries.
  • Equalization of blood pressure.
  • Prevention of kidney stones. Drinking the drink helps to naturally cleanse the body. Toxins and heavy metals are removed from it. The result of this property is that organs that act as “filters” suffer less from bad deposits.
  • Reducing the likelihood of developing cancer cells.

The beneficial properties of matcha are best manifested due to its powdered state. After brewing any tea, the leaves give up only part of their valuable composition. The drink in question is drunk completely(including the grounds). This indicates adequate intake of the vitamins and minerals contained.

Where matcha is grown, indigenous people rarely get sick, and the average life expectancy reaches nine decades. These facts are associated with the healing properties of the drink.

Harm and contraindications of tea

Despite the wide list of positive properties of tea, there are also contraindications.

The feedstock contains significant concentration of lead. The latter is absorbed from polluted air in places where tea grows. This chemical element, along with all vitamins and minerals, is absorbed 100 percent. This is not a reason to completely exclude matcha from your diet.

The problem can be solved and possible negative consequences can be prevented through quantitative restrictions. The recommended maximum daily dose of the drink is 2 cups.

Choosing the right tea

When purchasing the tea in question, you should be guided by the following knowledge:

  • the color of the original brew is bright green;
  • An exclusively organic product (obtained without the use of chemicals) can provide significant benefits to the body;
  • grinding should be very fine and uniform;
  • the drink in question is not a cheap delicacy, the minimum cost of the original is $20 for 30 grams (if you come across a moderately priced option, you need to make sure that it is not the powder of an ordinary green drink);
  • When comparing Japanese and Chinese products, preference should be given to the first option (this is due to more favorable climatic conditions).

Tea Recipes

The procedure for preparing matcha differs from traditional tea recipes. There are a number of general recommendations:

  • the preparation process is carried out immediately before drinking tea (in Japan, brewing the drink is considered part of the tea ceremony);
  • the utensils used are preheated;
  • The use of boiling water is prohibited (otherwise some of the taste, aroma and healing qualities will be lost).

Among the most common recipes are the following:

Classic recipe


  • tea leaves – 2 grams;
  • water – 80 milliliters;
  • sweeteners if desired;

Brewing procedure:

  • tea leaves are filled with boiled water;
  • if lumps form, you can use a whisk;
  • served with selected sweeteners.

The strength of the drink is insignificant. The color is bright green. The tea is suitable for daily use.

Matcha with milk


  • matcha tea leaves – 1 teaspoon;
  • milk – 0.2 liters;
  • sweeteners if desired;
  • water – 70 milliliters.

Cooking procedure:

  • tea leaves are poured with boiled water (the action should be slow, while the mixture must be stirred with a whisk);
  • the milk is boiled, whipped in any way until a slight foam forms, and slowly poured into the main drink;
  • gourmets can supplement their tea with cinnamon and sweeteners.

The priority is to drink tea cold.

Excessive bitterness may indicate low quality brewing or irregularities in the cooking process.

The high cost of the drink is justified by the healing effect, memorable taste and aromatic properties, and the special atmosphere of the tea ceremony. Those who have tried this tea at least once will remember it for a long time.

Everyone in the world knows the special attitude of the Japanese, Chinese and other eastern peoples to tea consumption. In the East they don’t drink this for nothing. Drinking tea turned into a whole ceremony for them. In China and Japan, different varieties of this invigorating healing drink are traditionally cultivated. Each of them has its own recipe and tea drinking ritual. One of the revered varieties of tea in these countries is Matcha tea, which sounds like “matcha” in Japanese. Today there is a lot of different information about the incredible benefits of this tea and its export has spread to many countries around the world. More and more people on the planet want to improve their body health, while receiving pleasant taste sensations. The Japanese have begun industrial production of various types of tea in vacuum-sealed, eco-friendly packaging, so that people on the other side of the world can enjoy trying this strange green drink. Just to reveal all its beneficial properties, you need to know how to brew Matcha tea correctly.

What is Matcha tea?

The word "matcha" refers to tencha green tea leaves grown in the shade. Gunpowder is also made from them, but for this they are grown in the sun. Matcha is a tea made from tencha leaves that have been ground into a fine powder. They are ground on special millstones just before drinking tea. The term tencha means a special technology for drying leaves. If they are dried straight, then it is tencha, if they are curled, then it is gyekuro. Matcha tea has a very rich and deep aroma and a sweet taste. If the tea has a bitter taste, this is an indicator of its poor quality.

Useful properties of "Match"

This type of tea is considered one of the most useful types, because it contains a lot of useful substances with vitamins and microelements. It is one of the strongest antioxidants. "Matcha" slows down the aging process and is an excellent preventative for the cardiovascular system. This tea invigorates no worse than coffee, but does not add nervous excitability. Among its beneficial properties are the following:

  • speeds up metabolism;
  • improves the quality of metabolic processes in the body;
  • prevents radiation;
  • rich in antioxidants;
  • has a restorative effect on vascular walls;
  • removes bad cholesterol;
  • cleanse from waste and toxins;
  • is a stimulus for mental activity;
  • ensures clean, elastic skin;
  • calms nervous nerves;
  • improves immunity.

If you need to provide your body with more strength and energy and lift your mood, then you simply cannot find a better remedy than matcha tea. But it’s not enough to just buy powder or leaves. It is important to know how to brew Matcha tea correctly and how to drink it. In this article we will talk about tea brewing technology. We will also present some of the most popular recipes for this miracle drink.

Harm of tea

The harmful qualities of tea include the high content of lead in the leaves, and if you drink it along with tea leaves, the amount of this metal in the body will increase sharply. This is generally more true for tea grown in China. Because the environment there is more polluted than in Japan. In addition, hypertensive patients should drink it with caution and try not to use it closer to the night.

How to choose tea?

Before we learn how to brew Matcha tea, let's first learn how to choose it. When buying tea, you should pay attention to some characteristic features of the drink. The following aspects must be met:

  • The color of the powder should be bright green. If the powder has a dark green tint, then it is sencha tea, which is sometimes substituted for matcha when sold.
  • It is best to take organic tea, without chemical influence.
  • Be careful if the price of Matcha is very low - it may be sencha leaf powder. Approximately 30 grams of powdered matcha on the market costs from 20 to 50 dollars.
  • Look for "Matcha" instead of Chinese, because it is not of very good quality due to being grown in unfavorable conditions.

Considering all these nuances, it is no longer so difficult to choose a good drink. But to make it as useful as possible, you need to know all the secrets of how to brew Matcha tea correctly. Below we will consider the technological features of this process.

What do you need for brewing?

In order to reveal all the beneficial properties of the drink and direct them to improve your body, you need to master the technique of its preparation. To brew the drink you will need special utensils:

  • measuring cup to correctly measure the required amount of water;
  • chavan - a special ceramic or porcelain cup for brewing;
  • chasaku - bamboo measuring spoon with 1 g of tea powder; You can also use an ordinary teaspoon, but you need to know that it holds two servings, measured with a bamboo measuring cup;
  • a strainer for sifting matcha powder to remove lumps and make its consistency lighter and airier; rubbing the stuck together lumps of tea is done using a chasaku or a teaspoon;
  • tyasen is a special bamboo whisk, without which you cannot get high-quality Matcha tea.

Which is correct?

And now, finally, you can move on to how to brew Japanese Matcha tea. The temperature of the water plays the most important role here - it should not boil. Green powdered Japanese tea "Matcha" is poured with water at a temperature of 70-80 degrees, no more. If you use boiling water, the tea will turn out spoiled - no taste, no benefits. Naturally, water for tea must be purified. To navigate the water temperature, you can use a special kettle with a water heating control function. Or you can do it simpler - after boiling, leave the water for 5-7 minutes to cool.

Brew weak tea

So, how to brew Matcha tea the classic way? There are two brewing methods - strong (koitya) and weak (usutya). In order to prepare a portion of weak, you need to take half a teaspoon of powder per 70 ml of 80-degree water. The bowl needs to be heated with hot water. Then you should wipe it dry, you can heat it in the microwave. Pour the powder into a dry bowl and add a little water. Pre-moisten the whisk with hot water. This is necessary so that it softens slightly, which will help it create better foam and protect it from accidental damage during the preparation of Matcha tea. Gently and leisurely mix the powder with a bamboo whisk so as not to leave lumps and powder residues on the walls of the bowl.

When the mass becomes perfectly homogeneous, add the remaining water and whisk until a thick foam appears. Movements when whipping should be measured and smooth, without sudden bursts. Classic matcha is drunk without adding honey or sugar - this will kill the true taste of this magical drink. The natural taste is tart and sour, with a sweetish aftertaste appearing later. This drink fills the body with energy for the whole day, perfectly invigorates and activates. Usutya is a completely democratic tea and can be drunk without following the strict rules of tea drinking and age-old ceremonies. This tea is appropriate for daily family tea drinking or drinking it with close friends.

Brew strong tea

Now let's move on to its strong version of koitya. How to brew Matcha tea? In this case, the powder is taken in double quantity - 4 g. This is 4 measuring spoons or one teaspoon. This amount requires 50 ml of water with a temperature no higher than 80 degrees. Matcha powder should be sifted through a strainer. The technology is almost the same as when brewing usutya, except that you do not need to whip the foam with a whisk, but, on the contrary, stir very slowly and smoothly. The result should be a thick, viscous drink with a bright herbal aroma and a sweet aftertaste. Japanese sweets are traditionally served with it, but you can replace them with dried fruits.

Features of each tea

We have already figured out how to brew Matcha tea at home. The above two drinks are good in their own way. And to give preference to any of them, you need to try them both. Both one and the second version of the matcha should be drunk along with the tea leaves ground into powder. This is precisely the key to the action of its healing properties. Being lighter and softer, it drinks pleasantly and naturally. Koitya is thicker and has a sharp and rich bouquet of taste. If you thought this was a complicated process, don’t trust your first impression. Now that you have already learned how to brew Matcha tea at home, you just need to get a little “trained” in preparing it. Over time, this procedure will become easy and effortless for you.

Alternative to special dishes

You can prepare Matcha at home without a special tea set. The bowl can be replaced with any ceramic vessel - a bowl, a cup, a bowl, a measuring spoon - a tea spoon from a regular cutlery set. But how to brew Matcha tea without a whisk? If you do not have a special bamboo whisk, you can replace it with a regular kitchen whisk or a special device used to whip milk froth. Try which one can best bring the mixture to the desired consistency. But it is better, of course, to use a traditional bamboo device, which is specially adapted to mix the ingredients well and, above all, gives the tea a unique exotic taste.

In order to understand the true taste of a wonderful drink, it was not for nothing that the tea ceremony was invented. It is very important here to understand how to brew and drink Matcha tea. Only by slowly savoring every sip of this amazing tea do you begin to feel its charm. You also need to drink Matcha tea in a special way. A small sip of the drink should be held in the mouth for a while so that the tongue can feel its taste and delicious aroma.

In development of this topic, I would like to focus on the fact that Matcha tea can be brewed in other ways.

Popular tea brewing recipe

Let's look at how to brew and drink Chinese Matcha tea. The Chinese brewing method does not like fuss and is performed according to a strict ritual. You need to take a small teapot with a capacity of 100-120 ml - a gaiwan, as well as bowls from which you will drink the finished tea. Tea utensils must be rinsed with boiling water and dried. Let's start the ritual:

  • pour 7 g of leaf tea into the kettle;
  • pour hot water at a temperature of 85-90 degrees and wait about 20 seconds; after this, drain the water;
  • Fill the grounds with water again and wait for 40-60 seconds;
  • Pour the finished tea into bowls and you can start drinking tea;
  • Pour water over the remaining grounds again and increase the brewing time by 20-30 seconds; This can be repeated until the color of the tea becomes pale.

When using this method, you need to make sure that at each stage of brewing there is no water in the gaiwan so that the tea can finish brewing. With each pour, the taste and aroma of the drink changes, giving new taste sensations and aromas.

"Matcha latte"

You should also dwell on how to brew Matcha Latte tea. This is an absolutely incomparable drink, much more pleasant than even a gentle cappuccino. To prepare it you will need a teaspoon of matcha, 70 ml of hot water, about 200 g of any milk - cow, almond, soy, coconut, and honey to taste, which can be replaced with sugar or syrup. Let's start cooking:

  • Pour water over the tea and mix thoroughly with a whisk, removing any lumps;
  • heat the milk without letting it boil; remove it from the stove and beat with a blender until foam appears - about a minute;
  • pour the milk into the tea in a thin stream and spread the foam with a spoon; it will mix with the tea foam and turn pale green;
  • add honey and cinnamon, and you can enjoy the pleasant taste of such an unusual drink.

"Matcha Frappe"

Next, we’ll tell you how to brew Matcha tea with milk. The drink will be cold. This tea is called "Matcha Frappe", and to prepare it you will need a teaspoon of dry matcha, a glass of cold cow's milk, 3-4 ice cubes, vanilla ice cream - about 50 g, as well as honey or sugar according to your taste and whipped cream. Cooking method:

  • add ice, Matcha tea and honey to the milk;
  • mix everything with a powerful blender until completely homogeneous - about 1-2 minutes;
  • put ice cream and whipped cream on top.


There are many delicious Matcha tea drinks available. Here everyone can show their imagination and creativity. The main thing is to learn how to brew this wonderful healing drink correctly and you can enjoy a new taste and unforgettable aroma every time.

Matcha is the most popular green tea in Japan and is traditionally used for tea ceremonies. This is not quite ordinary tea, in the meaning to which we are accustomed. It is not dark-colored curled leaves, but a green powder. Its pleasant taste and health benefits make it a favorite among drink lovers.

Matcha tea was brought to Japan from China 900 years ago by the Zen Buddhist monk Eisai. In China itself they gradually forgot about him. But in the Land of the Rising Sun they loved it and brought the growing technique to perfection. Now it is the most popular and most beloved drink among the Japanese, who value it for its beneficial properties.

Tea bushes, after the appearance of green leaves, are covered with a special canopy a certain time before picking. This is done in order to avoid direct sunlight, which will slow down the process of photosynthesis and increase the content of chlorophyll and amino acids. This is why the leaves turn out to be dark green.

The entire tea production process is done manually. The youngest leaves are removed from the bushes, from which the highest quality matcha green tea is obtained. After this, they are steamed and dried. The stems and veins are then removed from the leaves and the rest is ground into a fine powder. This is where the name comes from: matcha tea literally means “pounded.”

Benefits and contraindications

Matcha tea (as the name sounds in Japanese) is a source of vitamins A, C, E, K and a whole complex of B vitamins. In addition, the drink contains potassium, calcium, fluorine, iron, zinc, iodine, magnesium and the unique amino acid L-theanine and theophylline. It is rich in components with super antioxidant activity, including polyphenols, catechins and chlorophyll, as well as dietary fiber.

The uniqueness of Japanese tea is that all the beneficial substances enter the body. If the tea leaves are usually thrown away, in the match the powder is drunk along with the drink.
Due to its unique composition, matcha tea has medicinal properties:

  • Helps strengthen the immune system.
  • 1 cup of this tea contains 10 times more antioxidants than any other type of green tea. They fight free radicals and have anti-aging properties.
  • Reduces bad cholesterol levels.
  • Stimulates metabolism and promotes weight loss. According to studies, drinking tea increases the percentage of fat burned during exercise by 25%.
  • Japanese matcha tea cleanses the body of waste and toxins.
  • Matcha tea is the best substitute for coffee. It simultaneously gives energy, helps to concentrate, calms the mind and improves mood.

There are no serious contraindications to drinking this tea. But you should never rule out individual intolerance or allergies.

How to brew correctly

Matcha tea is prepared in two ways: usutya (weak) And koitya (strong). For preparation you will need:

  • ceramic or porcelain brewing bowl (chawan);
  • measuring bamboo spoon (chasaku) - 1 g of powder is placed in it;
  • bamboo whisk (chasen);
  • a strainer through which the powder is sifted. Lumps can also be removed using a chasaku;
  • measuring cup.

Japanese matcha is brewed only with fresh water. Do not pour boiling water over it: after boiling, pour the water into a measuring cup and let cool for 5 minutes.

  1. At this time, heat the brewing bowl, filling it about 1/3 with hot water, soak the tips of the whisk in it, then the tea powder will not stick. After the chawan has warmed up, drain the water and dry it.
  2. Sift 2 measuring spoons (2 g) of powder into a bowl through a sieve to prepare usutya or 3-4 (equivalent to 1 teaspoon) for koitya. If you pour tea without using a strainer, the drink will end up with lumps.
  3. Now gradually pour slightly cooled water (70-80°C) from the measuring cup into the bowl: 80 ml for usutya and 50 ml for koitya.
  4. Take a whisk and mix the water and powder. The method of mixing also matters. If you are making usutya, whisk the mixture thoroughly until small bubbles appear on the surface. For koytya, it is enough to mix the mixture with a whisk with slow rotational movements without the formation of foam.
  5. Pour the drink into a cup and enjoy its refreshing taste and deep aroma.

Usutya is brewed for normal daily use, has a slightly bitter taste and a thin consistency. Drink no more than two cups at a time. To prepare koicha, the resulting mixture resembles honey in thickness and has a softer and sweeter taste compared to usutya.

The difference in taste is due to the fact that the more expensive matcha made from tea bush leaves that are more than 30 years old is used to prepare koicha.

Other Applications

Matcha is often used to make confectionery, chocolate, and ice cream. It is added to lattes or cocktails. It has the ability to give products an unusual jade color and a unique taste.

Thanks to the huge amount of antioxidants, it is widely used in cosmetology. Matcha helps slow down skin aging and protects it from ultraviolet radiation. It also has excellent anti-cellulite and anti-inflammatory properties. It can be used to prepare homemade masks, scrubs, and added to cosmetics.

Matcha has many health benefits compared to other green varieties. This is the only tea in which the leaf completely dissolves in water. It delivers all its benefits, which ensures maximum benefits from natural ingredients.

photo:, eskymaks, eAlisa

The original drink of the Japanese is matcha tea. It is brewed from powdered tea leaves, which form a thick, sweet mass. Matcha is one of the most powerful antioxidants, and it is also added to desserts and baked goods to give them an unexpected green color.

Matcha tea – a green riot of color

Matcha tea is very unusual in its consistency - it is a bright green powder. In Japanese its name sounds like matcha. This is a traditional tea ceremony drink in Japan. Buddhist monks discovered its amazing properties - matcha green tea brings amazing peace and tranquility. And in the modern world it has found many areas of application.

The raw materials for Japanese matcha tea are harvested once a year. Two weeks before harvesting, the tea bushes are tightly covered to protect from sunlight. This is how they acquire a juicy dark green color and are saturated with amino acids. The harvest is dried in a straightened form, then the veins are removed from the leaves, and the remains are ground into the finest powder. The process is labor-intensive, so matcha is not a cheap product.

The taste of matcha green tea is bright and sweet with hints of bitterness; it is drunk without sweeteners. It is thick and rich, the color is opaque herbal, before and after cooking. Due to its color, it is also called jade drink.

Matcha green tea is not only drunk as an infusion, it is added to baked goods, desserts, ice cream, sauces, and cocktails to give them a fresh aroma and a green tint. Matcha is also added to creams and body masks.

How to cook and drink

Let's figure out how to brew matcha tea. This is done in two ways: stronger (koitya), softer (usutya). In addition to a mug, you will need a measuring spoon, a sieve for sifting the powder, and a whisk (preferably bamboo).

  • How to brew matcha koicha tea: take dry heated dishes, put 4 g. Powder, 50 ml of water (temperature 80 degrees). Slowly stir the mixture until it becomes smooth and there are no lumps left on the sides. The result is a viscous, thick drink with a tart taste, suitable for tea ceremonies.
  • How to brew matcha tea usutya: take 2 g. Powder, 80 ml water, whisk. You will have a thin, bitter drink, which is usually enjoyed with friends or family without formalities.
  • Matcha is also used to make something like a latte, only without adding coffee. It turns out tender and aromatic, with a light foam, delicate taste of green tea.
  • How to brew matcha tea latte: put 1 tsp. matcha tea then add 70 ml hot water. Heat 200 ml of milk, whisk it until foam appears. Pour tea into milk in a thin stream, add sugar. You will end up with a milky greenish drink.

Useful properties and contraindications

Matcha green tea is drunk whole, together with tea leaves - this enhances its effect on the body. And it contains many microelements and vitamins. A cup of this drink invigorates like coffee, but does not harm the body. It activates mental and physical activity, while leaving a person internally and externally relaxed - this property was widely used by Buddhist monks during meditation.

Japanese matcha tea improves immunity and slows down the aging process. It contains 100 times more tea catechins than other teas, making it a strong antioxidant. It lifts your mood, improves concentration and memory. Increases stamina and energy levels, maintaining its effect for up to 6 hours, without nervousness and overload. Reduces cholesterol levels, strengthens blood vessels.

Matcha green tea speeds up metabolism, helps you lose weight, burning fat 4 times faster than normal, but without increasing blood pressure. Thanks to the large amount of chlorophyll, it cleanses the body, removing toxins and heavy metals. Provides vitamins A and C, potassium, iron.

The beneficial properties of matcha tea do not end there. It is added:

  • in toothpaste – for treating gums and preventing caries;
  • in cream and face mask - to get rid of acne;
  • or wash your face with it to make your skin more elastic.

Does matcha tea have any contraindications? They may be individual intolerance. It is recommended to take it only in the morning or afternoon to avoid problems falling asleep.

Now you know almost everything about matcha tea - how to brew it, its benefits and harms, unusual uses. It’s worth trying this unusual drink to form your own opinion about it.

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