Amosov's dried fruit paste is a recipe for the heart and immunity. Reviews of pasta prepared according to the recipe of Academician Amosov Amosov’s mixture contraindications

Amosov's dried fruit paste is a recipe for the heart and immunity. Reviews of pasta prepared according to the recipe of Academician Amosov Amosov’s mixture contraindications



To prepare Amosov paste you will need:
figs - 150 g;
dried apricots - 150 g;
dried prunes - 150 g;
raisins - 150 g;
peeled walnuts - 200 g;
lime (or lemon) - 1 pc.;
honey - 0.5 liters.

From the specified amount of ingredients you will get about 1 liter of vitamin paste.

Cooking steps

To prepare Amosov paste you will need these ingredients.

Pour hot water over figs, dried apricots and raisins for 5-7 minutes; do not keep them in water for a long time so that they do not turn into porridge. I always pour hot water over prunes separately for 5-7 minutes.

Then drain the water and place the dried fruits in a colander to drain.

Then use a paper towel to blot any liquid from the dried fruit. Pour boiling water over the lime, pour hot water over it for a couple of minutes, then wipe well with a paper towel, cut into 4 pieces, remove the seeds. Instead of lime, you can use lemon. Sort the walnuts carefully so that you do not get any pieces of partitions or shells.

Add honey to the resulting mass. Honey can be heated a little in a water bath to make it more liquid. But honey of such thickness (as in the photo) is perfect for this paste.

Mix all ingredients until smooth, leave for 15-20 minutes, then pack into clean, dry jars. Store Amosov pasta prepared according to this recipe, covered in the refrigerator on the door shelf. The paste can be stored in the refrigerator for 1.5-2 months.

For adults, I recommend eating Amosov paste 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. We reduce this dose for children - give 1 teaspoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. This paste contains a huge amount of vitamins, minerals, organic acids and enzymes that will perfectly strengthen your body. Therefore, be sure to prepare Amosov pasta and be healthy!

The creator of a unique paste for immunity is academician Nikolai Amosov. Observing patients in the postoperative period, he wondered how to speed up recovery and strengthen the immunity of patients.

The result of his search was a recipe called Amosov’s vitamin mixture for immunity. It is suitable for both adults and children. The product is recommended for children aged 3 years and older. The basis of the dish is nuts, dried fruits, honey and lemon. The last 2 ingredients have powerful antiseptic properties and inhibit the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. Amosov paste is a delicious mixture of dried fruits, nuts and honey. Each of these components contains many vitamins, minerals, and has a pleasant taste that even kids like. The benefits of paste for improving immunity are undeniable:

  • strengthens the immune system, helping the body fight infection;
  • accelerates recovery from ARVI and colds;
  • improves cell regeneration and metabolic processes in the body;
  • strengthens blood vessels and heart;
  • normalizes digestion;
  • improves mood, calms.

Thanks to these properties, the paste is indicated for strengthening the immune system for children, the elderly and patients who have suffered serious illnesses and operations. During the cold season, the mixture helps to cope with infection and maintain health.


Eating pasta is beneficial for everyone, especially children over 3 years old. The only contraindication is an allergic reaction to honey, lemon or dried fruits.

You should limit your use of the paste during pregnancy. The child may then develop an allergy to nuts or honey.

Amosov paste is a natural and tasty product that effectively helps with various diseases and promotes the development of immunity. Every person can take this vitamin mixture. A simple but original recipe contains a whole complex of vitamins, micro- and macroelements.

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Unique properties of products

Nikolai Mikhailovich Amosov, a world-famous academician and cardiac surgeon, said that “doctors treat diseases, but you need to achieve health yourself.” He developed a system for maintaining health and activity.

This system included three important components: proper nutrition, an active lifestyle with feasible physical activity and self-confidence. Following these principles, the academician lived for 89 years, having excellent memory and high performance.

Nikolai Amosov advised eating more vegetables and fruits, limiting your consumption of meat and taking natural vitamin supplements. Food products cannot provide the body with the proper functioning of its organs; synthetic products cannot be taken constantly, so the doctor suggested replacing them with a useful and easy-to-make analogue that has no contraindications. This product is called Amosov paste. He especially urged patients to use the paste during the postoperative period, when the body is exhausted, as well as to all people to maintain tone. This remedy does not lead to an excess of minerals and vitamins, it only normalizes their levels.

The mixture contains only natural products, so it has virtually no contraindications and can be used at any age.

Ingredients: dried fruits, nuts, honey and lemon. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of these products, as they contain a large number of useful substances:

  1. Raisins - after drying the grapes, the amount of nutrients in raisins increases. The benefits of the product for the heart and blood vessels have been proven, it improves liver function, and is used for colds. Raisins contain potassium, phosphorus, vitamins C, B, E, carbohydrates, and some proteins. There are amino acids, micro- and macroelements. The product is high-calorie, up to 300 Kcal.

  1. Dried apricots are dried apricots. Contains carbohydrates, fiber, proteins, vitamins A, E, C, B. Maintains normal hormonal levels and cholesterol levels, it is used to prevent heart disease, as a diuretic, and for anemia. It is enough to consume 3-4 pieces of fruit per day, the calorie content of the product is 275 kilocalories.
  2. Figs - improves peristalsis, removes toxins, lowers cholesterol levels, improves the condition of blood vessels. It contains carbohydrates, proteins, dietary fiber, organic acids, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamins A, groups B, E, PP.
  3. Prunes are used to prevent constipation and cancer. It has antiseptic properties, improves the functioning of brain cells and vision. Contains proteins, carbohydrates, some fatty acids, vitamins.
  4. Walnuts - used as an effective diuretic, normalize blood pressure, have a positive effect on male potency, and are used in the prevention of oncology. Contains alkaloids, tannins, steroids, mineral salts, trace elements, saturated fatty acids.

  1. Lemon - improves immunity, helps in the treatment of rheumatism, tuberculosis, is a preventative against malignant neoplasms, strokes and heart attacks, and normalizes blood pressure. Contains saturated fats, microelements, vitamins, fiber. A good antiseptic containing a small amount of calories.
  2. Honey - restores blood vessel cells, protects against infections and viruses, and is an antioxidant. Cleanses the body of heavy metals. The amount of vitamins is not always the same; it depends on the type of honey. Contains vitamins, folic and ascorbic acids, microelements.

Are there any contraindications

There is only one contraindication to the use of Amosov paste - intolerance by the body to one of the components included in the composition. However, this problem is easy to solve - the dried fruit can be excluded and replaced with another. If you are allergic to honey or lemon, it is more difficult to find a replacement for these products.

Important! Some people mistakenly believe that they are allergic to any honey, considering skin rashes to be the cause of consuming honey. You can undergo special tests to determine the type of product that causes an allergy; for example, it may be a reaction only to floral

Doctors also advise pregnant women to limit their consumption of pasta. Its components, especially honey and walnuts, are strong allergens. There is a possibility that the condition of the expectant mother will worsen, as well as problems with the child’s health after birth, for example, the risk of developing diabetes.

Amosov's paste is a unique analogue of synthetic drugs that strengthen the immune system, widely used among adults and children. The main benefit is to strengthen the immune system, cardiovascular and other body systems. The product is easy to prepare, and there are practically no contraindications.

Contraindications and harm

The outstanding scientist was not always right in his theories. At the end of his life, he developed and applied gymnastics to strengthen the cardiovascular and immune systems, believing that their recovery resource is the same at any age. The result of the experiment for him was first coronary artery bypass surgery, and 4 years later - a myocardial infarction with a fatal outcome.

However, charging acad. Amosov did it at the age of over 80. The very opportunity to play sports every day (even for experimental purposes) during these years indicates good health indicators. The assessment of the effect of his paste is also twofold. Its positive properties are:

  • diverse mineral composition;
  • abundance of food acids that are involved in the production of immune bodies (vitamin C is part of C-reactive proteins, and they provide the entire acute phase of the immune response). Plus, they have antiseptic properties;
  • the simultaneous presence in Amosov's paste of retinol, tocopherol and a small percentage of vegetable oil from nuts (both of these vitamins are fat-soluble and are not absorbed in any other way).
  1. High potassium content. The body needs it in small doses, as it acts on the cardiovascular system to increase the tone/activity of the walls of blood vessels and the heart muscle itself. Its excess itself can cause a heart attack. Usually its tonic effect is balanced by magnesium. There is much less of it in the paste, which creates a dangerous imbalance.
  2. Narrowed composition of vitamins. Amosov's paste contains 6-7 representatives of the B-group, when it includes a total of 20 elements, and a minimum of retinol with tocopherol. Ascorbic acid completes the list (thanks to fresh lemon). With such an “assortment” of them, Amosov’s paste cannot be considered a multivitamin supplement. Their composition is not enough even to fully support the immune system. In addition to vitamin C, it needs significantly larger daily doses of retinol and tocopherol. It also needs cholecalciferol, which is completely absent from the product.
  3. Abundance of simple carbohydrates. In terms of their content, Amosov's paste is ahead of many types of chocolate and other confectionery products, being an extremely harmful product for the figure.

In practice, this means that the drug is contraindicated for use when:

  • obesity;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • coronary heart disease;
  • threat of myocardial infarction/stroke or their history;
  • arrhythmias;
  • presence of diagnosed aneurysms or suspicion of their presence;
  • stomach/intestinal ulcers (or nuts will have to be completely avoided).

With the listed list of contraindications, Amosov's paste for increasing children's immunity is an almost ideal remedy. It is completely natural, hardly requires persuading a small patient to eat “another spoonful,” and gives him energy for growth and active play. And after 25 years, degenerative phenomena of the heart and blood vessels, a slowdown in carbohydrate metabolism make it undesirable or even not indicated for use.

Why is it useful?

Before assessing the benefits of paste for the body, let's think about how its ingredients are useful?

  • Dried apricots. In essence, it is seedless dried apricot. When dried, almost the entire composition of vitamins and microelements of fresh fruit is preserved. Dried apricots are rich in potassium, which is essential for the heart, as well as iron, phosphorus and calcium.
  • Figs This is the fruit of a fig tree that has been dried. They retain high nutritional value and are high in sugars. Figs contain a lot of potassium; I wrote in detail about its beneficial properties and contraindications here. In addition, there is calcium, phosphorus, sodium, vitamins B, A, C. PP.
  • Raisin. This dried fruit is made from dried grapes. It also contains a lot of potassium, phosphorus, calcium, vitamins B, E, C, K.
  • Prunes. It also contains a lot of potassium, calcium and fluoride, and the basic composition of vitamins, as in the previous ingredients. In addition, prunes contain dietary fiber and mild laxatives, so eating them has a positive effect on digestion. Prunes also contain a lot of antioxidants.
  • Walnuts are champions in potassium and protein content.
  • Lemons. These citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C, organic acids and pectins, rutin, flavonoids and other beneficial substances. In the distant, distant 11th century, the famous Avicenna wrote about lemons as the best medicine for heart disease.
  • Honey is a storehouse of potassium and magnesium, natural carbohydrates and vitamins. By the way, most researchers believe that an allergy to honey is extremely rare, and is more likely due to a low-quality or diluted product, with mechanical or biological impurities (for example, chitin from mites).

Thus, Amosov’s paste is a real vitamin “bomb”, which, first of all, contains a powerful dose of potassium.

Amosova paste for the heart

“Cardiacs” is the main target audience for which Amosov’s paste was developed. The recipe, which has received only positive reviews for decades, is simple and accessible. But is it really that effective?

We have already found out that Amosova pasta rich in potassium, magnesium and sodium. These microelements are interconnected and perform the following functions in the body:

  • create conditions for the normal functioning of muscle contractions;
  • maintain osmotic blood concentration;
  • help maintain acid-base balance;
  • normalize water-salt balance;
  • potassium protects the heart from overload and takes an important part in the conduction of electrical impulses to the heart muscle and its contraction.

Regular intake of magnesium in the body helps maintain the tone of blood vessels and muscles, evens out the heart rate and allows you to resist stress. The average daily requirement for an adult is 400 mg of magnesium.

A lack of potassium provokes the development of hypokalemia, which causes disturbances in the functioning of the heart muscles. With prolonged microelement deficiency, neuralgia often develops.

  • children - from 600 to 1700 mg;
  • adults - from 1800 to 5000 mg.

But an excess of potassium is also dangerous - it is fraught with hyperkalemia, in which an intestinal ulcer develops, in addition, it can cause cardiac arrest.

Thus, you should not get carried away with consuming a seemingly safe product. Everything is good in moderation - do not forget about this axiom, and let your heart work like a good Swiss watch - without interruption!

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Raisins for health benefits of raisins for the body

  • Did you know that ordinary raisins have wonderful medicinal properties? Dry raisins contain a huge amount of healthy vitamins, organic acids and mineral salts.
  • The content of natural sugars - fructose and glucose - in raisins is eight times greater than in grapes. At the same time, it will be quite interesting that the substances present in raisins are beneficial for the oral cavity, as they inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause inflammatory processes and caries.
  • Dark varieties of raisins are more beneficial than light ones, just as wine made from dark grapes is healthier than wine made from white grapes. Wine, even if it is made from the best and healthiest grape varieties, is recommended to be consumed in moderation and to use moderation in alcoholic beverages.

And now I offer you several proven recipes based on raisins to maintain health.

Features of application

How to take healthy paste? Adults are recommended to consume it on an empty stomach, a tablespoon three times a day, for example, before breakfast after waking up, an hour before lunch and about an hour before bedtime. Children over 6 years old can be given a dessert spoon twice a day. It is recommended to offer children over three years old a teaspoon once or twice. The paste is not prescribed to children under this age, as it can cause allergic reactions and may not be fully absorbed by an incompletely formed organism.

To achieve a positive effect, you should take the paste for at least one month. But this is the minimum duration of the course, it can be increased to two to three months. For serious health problems, continuous use for six months is acceptable. Then you can take a month's break and continue treatment.

How to prepare Amosov paste to boost immunity

Based on the basic recipe for the mixture, variations were created with the inclusion of other ingredients beneficial to the body, for example, flax seeds, beets, ginger, garlic, etc. The preparation principle for all recipes is the same: the components are ground through a meat grinder or in a blender, honey is added to them . Grind lemons together with the peel: it contains phytoncides valuable for the body.

Store cooked pasta in the refrigerator. You can roll it into balls and roll them in coconut or cocoa and give them to children instead of candy.

Classic recipe

We offer a classic recipe with a photo of Amosov paste for immunity with step-by-step instructions. It was this that became the basis for creating other variants of the mixture.


  1. Dried fruits (figs, dried apricots, raisins, prunes) - 250 g of each component.
  2. Lemon - 1 pc.
  3. Walnut kernels - 150 g.
  4. Honey - 1 tbsp.

How to cook: Prepare the products: pour boiling water over dried fruits for 2-3 hours, wash the lemon under hot water, cut and remove the seeds. Peel the nuts from the skins and partitions. When all the products are ready, mince the lemon and dried fruits. Finely chop the nuts and add to the mixture. Pour in honey and mix well.

How to use: Eat 1-2 tbsp. mixture per day between meals (40 minutes before meals or a couple of hours after). For children, 1-2 tsp is enough. in a day.

Result: Reduces the number of diseases, strengthens the immune system.

With ginger

Paste for immunity with ginger is considered more effective, since ginger has long been used in folk medicine to treat flu and colds. To prepare the mixture, take a fresh root, after peeling it.


  1. Dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, prunes) - 250 g each.
  2. Ginger - 1 root.
  3. Honey - 1 tbsp.
  4. Nuts - 250 g.
  5. Lemon - 1−2 pcs.

How to cook: As in the previous recipe, wash the lemon and soak the dried fruits in boiling water. Grind all ingredients. Peel the ginger, cut into small pieces and pass the root through a meat grinder. Stir the mixture and add honey to it.

How to use: Eat 1-2 tbsp. funds per day between meals.

Result: Reduces morbidity, speeds up recovery.

With flax seeds

Amosov's pasta recipe for boosting immunity from flax seeds not only strengthens the immune system, but also activates digestion and brain activity. Flax seeds contain valuable Omega 3 fatty acids and fiber, without which normal digestion and the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems are impossible.


  1. Dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots, raisins) - 0.5 kg each.
  2. Honey - 0.5 l.
  3. Lemon - 2 pcs.
  4. Flax seeds - 100 g.
  5. Nuts - 0.5 kg.

How to cook: Soak flax seeds in water to swell. Pour boiling water over dried fruits. Wash the lemon thoroughly. Grind lemon, dried fruits and nuts. Add flaxseeds and honey to them and mix thoroughly.

How to use: Eat 1-2 tbsp. per day.

Result: Improves general condition, normalizes digestion.

Cooking a dish step by step with photos

Step 1

To prepare this tasty, satisfying and very healthy pasta, we will need the following ingredients: dried apricots, prunes, seedless raisins, dates, dried figs, peeled walnuts, as well as natural honey and fresh lemon. All dried fruits must be of excellent quality, so be sure to carefully inspect and sort them.

Step 2

First you need to steam dried fruits (figs, dates, raisins, dried apricots and prunes) - put them in a container of suitable volume.

Step 3

Fill with hot water from the kettle and leave for 10-15 minutes. During this time, the dried fruits will soften slightly - you should not keep them in water for a long time, so as not to turn into porridge.

Step 4

After this, place the still hot contents of the bowl on a sieve and let the liquid drain completely. You can lightly squeeze the dried fruits with your hands.

Step 5

Then they need to be crushed in any convenient way. My personal favorite way to do this is with a meat grinder, but a food processor (metal blade attachment) or blender will also work.

Step 6

Carefully inspect the peeled walnuts for the presence of partitions, pieces of shell and remove them, since even one small fragment, if it gets on the tooth, will spoil all the pleasure. Of course, for a richer taste, aroma and crunch, you can pre-fry the nuts in a dry frying pan (dry them in the oven), but I prefer to add them raw (it’s healthier). Pass the nuts through a meat grinder (if you want, chop with a knife).

Step 7

Wash one whole large lemon (you can take a couple of small fruits), scald it with boiling water, wipe it dry and cut it into pieces to remove the seeds.

Step 8

Grind the lemon along with the peel through a meat grinder.

Step 9

Finally add natural honey. If it is heavily sugared, lightly melt the honey in a water bath or microwave oven on Defrost mode.

Step 10

Stir - the vitamin mixture or Amosov paste is ready.

Step 11

From the specified amount of ingredients used, exactly 900 grams of a tasty and healthy mixture are obtained. Place the paste in clean and dry jars (I sterilize the jars and lids), seal them tightly with lids and store in the refrigerator.

Step 12

I hope this simple and quick recipe for a tasty and healthy vitamin paste will be useful to you. Cook for your health, friends, and bon appetit!

Step-by-step cooking recipe

It is better to prepare dried fruits yourself. If this is not possible, you need to carefully approach the issue of their choice. The main criteria that require attention when choosing are:

  • they must be intact;
  • there must be no rot, mold, or unpleasant odor;
  • excessive brightness and color saturation are a sign of chemical treatment; naturally dried fruits turn gray;
  • should not be too greasy.

Let's look at the pasta recipe step by step:

  1. We prepare the main ingredients: take half a kilo of raisins, prunes, dried apricots, and figs. Wash them in cold water, then steam hot, leave until cool, then cold again, dry. It is necessary to remove dried tails from dried apricots and raisins, if any remain.
  2. Take 1-2 lemons, depending on their size and taste preferences. Wash thoroughly, dry, cut into small slices.
  3. Scroll dried fruits through a meat grinder along with lemon. The result should be a mixture with the consistency of porridge.
  4. Take 200 g of walnuts, remove the kernels, chop them with a knife. There is no need to do this too finely; one nut should yield about 8 pieces.
  5. Add a mixture of lemons and dried fruits to the nuts, add 0.5 liters of fresh honey, stir. The vitamin mixture is ready for use.

Advice! It is best to soak dried fruits and leave them overnight. During this time, all existing harmful substances will be released. As for honey, Amosov advised taking exclusively fresh, liquid honey. Particularly useful are such types of this product as alpine, field, and flower.

You can also prepare the paste with the addition of other dried fruits and nuts. Some people like ginger paste. To do this, you need to take about 50 g of root and grind it along with other ingredients in a meat grinder. The benefits of pasta for immunity increase with the addition of various nuts, especially almonds.

Amosov's vitamin mixture for immunity

But let's return to our vitamin mixture with dried fruits, lemon and honey. This mixture will come in handy now, on the eve of cold weather and various colds, including the flu. Preparing the mixture is very simple. This will take no more than five minutes.

To prepare the paste you will need raisins, dried apricots, figs, prunes (pitted), walnuts, honey and lemon along with the peel. All products must be taken in equal proportions, for example, 250 grams.

Before preparing the mixture, rinse the dried fruits well and dry them. Water should not get into the mixture. Otherwise it will not be stored. You can leave them for a while, laying them out on a paper towel to dry.

Wash the lemon thoroughly and pour boiling water over it. This will remove the film that usually covers imported lemons. Dry well with a paper towel.

Peel the walnuts from the shell. If you use already peeled ones, taste them first so that they are not bitter. The fact is that shelled walnuts quickly oxidize in the light and then become hot.

Pass the prepared ingredients through a meat grinder with a fine grid. You can grind it in a blender or chop it finely.

Then mix the mixture thoroughly with a wooden spoon or silicone spatula and transfer to a clean, dry glass jar with a lid.

You need to store vitamin paste in the refrigerator.

For children aged 4 years and older, give one teaspoon in the morning and evening. It is not recommended to give formula to young children, mainly due to the risk of an allergy to honey.

To make pasta, it is better to buy raisins from dark seedless grape varieties. Honey must be natural. Which to choose? The one whose quality you are one hundred percent sure of. Whether it is linden honey or buckwheat honey, or any other, makes no difference. All bee honey has a variety of beneficial and medicinal properties.

How long to take this mixture? Yes, how much will you do? Our winter is long, so the mixture will have to be made more than once. But to get at least a small effect, take it for at least a month. Better yet, throughout the winter. Believe me, this is a very tasty mixture that both adults and children will enjoy. After all, there are no non-natural products in it.

The only thing worth paying attention to is the quality of the original products.

If you are allergic to any ingredient, you can exclude it from the recipe. But, as a rule, allergies to products according to this recipe are very rare.

How to cook it 7 steps with PHOTO

A mixture of dried fruits and honey is easy to prepare, especially since the products included in the composition are affordable.


So, for the mixture against heart disease you will need:

  • dried apricots in a proportion of 250 grams;
  • prunes, also 250 grams, but you don’t need to buy dried plums, since they may contain substances harmful to the body;
  • walnut – 250 grams;
  • figs in the amount of 250 grams;
  • raisin from dark grapes in the amount of 250 grams;
  • one lemon;
  • natural honey in the amount of 250 grams.

When choosing honey, you need to give preference to such varieties as: high-mountain, Altai, May or field.

This is what the entire set of ingredients looks like:

If you have everything in stock, you can get started.

Step-by-step instruction

1. First, take a lemon and scald its surface with boiling water. Then they cut it lengthwise and take out the bones.

2. Dried fruits, prepared in advance, are doused with boiling water and placed in boiled water overnight

This is important to remove all harmful impurities from them. In the morning, rinse again and dry on a clean kitchen towel.

This will help remove dirt and dust from dried fruits.

3. Dried fruits are ground in a meat grinder.

5. The nuts are cleaned and separated from the partitions using a sharp knife. Then they are finely chopped, the smaller the better.

6. Dried fruits twisted with lemon are placed in a separate container and walnuts are added. Mix everything thoroughly and pour honey.

7. The resulting dish for heart and longevity should be stored on the middle or top shelf of the refrigerator. Then it can retain its freshness for a long time.

This completes the process. As you can see, nothing complicated.

Cooking process on video

There are many video recipes for this pasta on the Internet. We have chosen the 2 most suitable ones for you:

This process takes only 10 minutes:

There is also this option without honey:

And here is the recipe for making sweets from this mixture:

Now let's talk about its effect on the body.

What else should you include in your daily diet?

A person's diet determines his health. Therefore, the food he eats should be made only from healthy products. To properly understand and build a healthy diet, you need to know which foods are considered beneficial for the cardiovascular system, as well as for other organs and an active life.

Useful products include:

  1. Fruits for heart health. Fruits, especially those that contain potassium, are considered to strengthen the body and help prevent cardiovascular diseases. Bananas have a beneficial effect on the heart due to the high potassium content in their composition, as well as persimmons, which contain a large set of amino acids for proper blood circulation. Lemon and pomegranate are leaders in vitamin C content in their composition. This has been confirmed by many studies. Pomegranate copes with anemia by producing hemoglobin, and lemon supports vitality and the human nervous system.
  2. Vegetables in the daily diet. Vegetables contain many beneficial microelements that have a beneficial effect on the heart muscle, as well as the condition of the vascular system. Pepper and pumpkin should be, if not in daily, then at least in a person’s occasional diet. Onions and garlic remove toxins from the body and protect the nervous system.
  3. Berries. Since berries are a storehouse of vitamins, their consumption should be almost daily. Unless, of course, there is an allergic reaction to a particular berry. The most beneficial for the heart include grapes, cranberries and viburnum. Viburnum can lower blood pressure and effectively cope with vascular disorders.
  4. Milk products. Many years ago, there was an opinion that milk has no benefits for the condition of blood vessels, but recent studies have proven that this product is beneficial. It has a high calcium content, which is necessary not only for bones, but also for the heart. It is important to remember that too fatty dairy products, such as cottage cheese, full-fat milk or cream, can disrupt the natural balance of microflora. Therefore, you should choose only proven dairy products with normal fat content.
  5. Fish products. Fish should be present in the diet of any person. It contains a high content of omega-3 and other beneficial acids, as well as vitamins, which make up a healthy diet and healthy blood circulation, which directly affects the heart muscle and the condition of the vascular system. It is useful to add fatty varieties of sea fish to your diet: trout, salmon or cod. It is better to avoid canned food, as they contain harmful additives that negatively affect cardiac activity and pollute the body.
  6. Bitter chocolate. Cocoa beans contain a high content of nutrients, which have a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels and the heart. Cleansing blood vessels from toxins and filling the body with useful vitamins can be achieved by eating dark chocolate.

Recipe for vitamin mixture from dried fruits

Ingredients for cooking:

  • Dried apricots - 500 grams;
  • Dark raisins - 500 grams;
  • Pitted prunes - 500 grams;
  • Figs - 500 grams;
  • Chopped nuts - 2 cups;
  • Lemons - 2 jokes;
  • Honey - 500 grams.

Please note! Dried fruits, before cooking, must be soaked overnight in clean, cold, cool boiled water. In the morning, drain the water, rinse the dried fruits well with running water and dry them by placing them on a clean, lint-free towel.
. Such careful processing is necessary because during transportation a lot of dust settles on dried fruits, and the vast majority of berries and fruits are treated with chemicals so that they are stored better

And we don’t need extra chemicals in products.

Such careful processing is necessary because during transportation a lot of dust settles on dried fruits, and the vast majority of berries and fruits are treated with chemicals so that they are stored better. And we don’t need extra chemicals in products.

How to choose the right dried fruits and prepare them for use in food - I recommend reading the article: How to remove sulfur dioxide from dried fruits.

Preparation of the mixture:

  1. Grind the prepared dried fruits through a meat grinder or in a food processor, add chopped nuts.
  2. Wash the lemons thoroughly, remove the seeds and also pass through a meat grinder along with the peel.
  3. Combine the two mixtures, add honey and mix well. Amosov's vitamin paste is ready, it should be put into jars and stored in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator.

Take 1 tablespoon 2 times a day.

How to use

Take a spoonful several times a day before meals. A teaspoon is enough for children, after 10 years - a dessert spoon. Dr. Amosov did not recommend diluting the paste with hot water. Honey loses its properties due to thermal effects, so it is better to drink this miracle remedy with tea. Long-term use - from one month to six months. Take a break, then repeat the technique. In summer and early autumn, when there are a lot of fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs on store shelves, you can refrain from eating pasta if the person is not in the postoperative period or after an illness.

By slightly changing the ingredients, you can get an excellent remedy for hypertension:

Take equal proportions of prunes, dried apricots, walnuts, rose hips and hawthorns, raisins and lemon with zest - grind all products in a food processor or meat grinder. Pour honey over this mixture. Mix thoroughly and take before meals once a day.

In spring, when the body is weakened, in rainy autumn or cold winter, the product will strengthen the body and lift the spirits.

The advantage of Amosov paste is that it is natural, tastes good, does not contain preservatives, and can be consumed even by children (from three years old),

When to use with caution:

  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • with urolithiasis;
  • for gastritis and ulcers;
  • pregnant women

The use of the paste should be limited to people who have an allergic reaction to the components, but even if there is no allergy, the dose of the drug should not be increased.

Amosova pasta recipe

The product is easy to prepare at home; you do not need to have any special culinary skills. The only additional equipment you will need is a blender or meat grinder (preferably electric). You need to take the following ingredients:

  • raisins – 0.5 kg;
  • dried apricots – 0.5 kg;
  • figs – 0.5 kg;
  • prunes – 0.5 kg;
  • walnuts – 0.5 kg;
  • liquid honey – 500 ml;
  • lemon – 1 fruit.

Dried fruits, lemon with peel and nuts need to be crushed to a homogeneous consistency and mixed. You need to add honey to the resulting mass and transfer the vitamin paste into a glass container that is tightly closed with a lid. Before using dried fruits, it is better to soak them in cold water overnight to remove residual dust, possible plaque and soften them a little.

Strengthening the heart, increasing immunity and normalizing stool - Amosov's paste has all these effects. How to take this remedy to get the maximum benefit from it? The most important thing is to do this regularly and within reasonable limits.

Amosov paste for immunity

Not long ago, Amosov's paste stood on the refrigerator shelf next to honey and raspberry jam as the first remedy for colds. And this is not without reason! This tasty medicine, rich in vitamins, can be taken both at the stage of treatment of acute respiratory infections and as a preventive measure for respiratory diseases. To enhance the healing effect, you can add crushed ginger root or a few drops of ordinary indoor aloe juice to the mixture.

Consuming the paste helps to gently remove toxins from the body, cleanse the intestines, normalize metabolism, help restore sleep, and tidy up the nervous system. In general, the paste enhances the activity of the immune system, and a huge advantage of the mixture is that its immunostimulating effect is quite mild. Amosov's paste does not force the immune system to wear out, but only gradually improves its performance.

How to cook Amosova Pasta

Buy dried fruits, nuts, lemon, honey. Wash dried apricots, figs, raisins and dried prunes in water; there is no need to steam them in boiling water! It is not recommended to buy smoked prunes instead of dried ones - they are often smoked with the addition of “liquid smoke”, and this drug is a powerful carcinogen and in no way contributes to improving health!

Scald the lemon with boiling water, cut into several parts and remove all the seeds so that they do not get into the mixture. In the absence of lemon, you can use orange or grapefruit.

Twist through a meat grinder, installing a nozzle with large holes in it, all the ingredients, you can even with peeled nuts - you can add nuts at the end.

Add crumbled walnuts to the mixture of chopped dried fruits - they can be crushed in your hands or in a bag with a rolling pin. Add the honey of your choice: buckwheat, acacia flower, linden, etc. Mix everything carefully.

Transfer the paste into a container with a hermetically sealed lid: a jar or container. Store refrigerated for 1 week to 1 month. Use 1 tbsp. l. 30 minutes before meals or 1 hour after meals.

If necessary, create a new batch of paste.

The recipe for “Amosova Pasta” is ready, bon appetit;) Questions, suggestions and wishes - write in the comments, I will be happy to answer everyone.

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What are the benefits of pasta?

Amosov paste is a nutritious multi-component mixture that helps improve health. Here are its main useful properties:

  • The mixture is beneficial for the immune system, protects the body from attacks by viruses, bacteria and fungi, and also forms and strengthens the natural protective barrier.
  • The paste is prescribed to people who have suffered serious illnesses, injuries or surgical interventions. It speeds up the rehabilitation process and has a general strengthening effect.
  • Glucose, present in significant quantities in the ingredients, provides the energy needed during heavy physical activity. In addition, natural sugars are necessary for normal brain activity and improve mental performance.
  • The paste helps improve blood composition and increase hemoglobin levels.
  • According to some reports, the mixture helps increase male potency.
  • The dried fruits included in the composition are good for the heart, as they strengthen the myocardium and normalize its contractile activity.
  • The components of the natural remedy contain many B vitamins, which are necessary for the smooth functioning of the body: they normalize metabolic processes and help strengthen the nervous system, increasing stress resistance and improving sleep.
  • The paste will be useful during pregnancy, both in the early stages and in the late stages. The macro- and microelements, vitamins and minerals contained here contribute to the proper formation of all organs of the fetus and provide the organisms of the expectant mother and the developing baby with everything they need.
  • The product will help strengthen the vascular walls, preventing their stretching and damage.

Please note: the paste is prescribed not only to people with health problems, but also to healthy people for the prevention and prevention of various diseases.

How to take and store

Adults are recommended to take 1 tbsp of paste. l. twice a day: the first time on an empty stomach in the morning, the second time before dinner. If you do this while eating, the nutritional power of dried fruits is noticeably reduced. Some people do not have the opportunity to take the remedy between lunch and dinner, then this is done before bed, so that at least 2-3 hours have passed since the last meal.

Important! Some, especially young girls, consider Amosov's paste to be too high-calorie health elixir. It is really nutritious, but it contains much less calories than usual sweets - candies, cakes

For children, the dosage should be reduced - instead of 1 tbsp. l. at one time it is necessary to give 1 tsp. If after this you want to drink sweets, you can take plain water or a little warm milk.

The duration of use of the paste is at least one month, it can increase to six months. In some families, the academician’s recipe is seasonal - all family members take it in the fall, when the cold sets in, and then in the spring, when the body is weakened.


This product is prepared from a mixture of different dried fruits:

  • figs – the content of microelements potassium, calcium and phosphorus is highest in it. The second “place” is held by magnesium and sodium. Iron is present in small quantities, but its presence in fruits and vegetables is still not taken into account due to its indigestible form. The first place in concentration among vitamins in figs is niacin. Next, with a significant gap, comes tocopherol. The content of retinol, riboflavin and thiamine in it is almost trace;
  • raisins are the next record holder for potassium content. This is followed by phosphorus and sodium. Raisins also contain calcium and magnesium with iron. Its vitamin “part” is represented by thiamine, riboflavin and niacin;
  • dried apricots - in it the concentration of potassium reaches almost 2 g per 100 g, and there is much less calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and silicon with sodium. The percentage of iron in it is also high. Among the vitamins in dried apricots, the leading ones are nicotinic acid, tocopherol, ascorbic acid and retinol. The rest is formed by close traces of riboflavin and thiamine;
  • prunes – again rich in potassium (865 mg per 100 g) and managing to accumulate 102 mg of magnesium, 83 mg of phosphorus, 80 mg of calcium during ripening. It also contains approximately 3 mg of iron. The leader in content in its list of vitamins is again niacin. Then come vitamins C, E, B2, B1 and A.

Like any dried fruit, the ingredients of Academician Amosov’s paste are world record holders for sugar content. Here they are second only to honey, also present in the mixture. The share of sugars of various types in it reaches 95%, and the rest is represented by proteins of animal origin, vitamins B, C, E, K.

Another component in the product is fresh lemon,

The human body needs constant protection, especially in the winter season. Frost, cold, rain, systematic attacks of viral infection significantly reduce the protective forces of the human body. And, as you know, all health indicators directly depend on the state of the immune system. Therefore, it is especially important to carry out activities to strengthen the immune system.

One of the simplest and most delicious ways to improve your health, increase the body's resistance, and help your main engine - the heart - is the use of Amosov vitamin paste, which is rightfully recognized as a real storehouse of vitamins, antioxidants and microelements. We will look at detailed information about the benefits and a recipe for preparing various variants of the mixture in this article.

Amosov paste (named after the famous academician) is a mixture of dried fruits. It is recommended to use it to strengthen the body, after operations and to restore strength after any illness. All products included in its composition contain high doses of vitamins and minerals, enzymes and organic acids, valuable lipids and antioxidants, which are so necessary for the body. The basis of this delicious medicine is: honey, nuts, lemon and various combinations of dried fruits.

Amosov pasta recipe

To prepare a miracle cure you will need:

  • dried apricots - 250 grams;
  • raisins (choose dried dark varieties, seedless) - 250 grams;
  • dried prunes (do not use dried plums, they may contain harmful impurities) - 250 grams;
  • figs - 250 grams;
  • walnuts (chopped) - 1 cup;
  • lemon or lime - 1 piece,
  • natural honey (polyfloral varieties of beekeeping products have the greatest biological value - high-mountain, forest, field, meadow, flower, May) - 250 grams.

Step-by-step recipe for making Amosov paste:

1. Scald the lemon with boiling water, cut lengthwise into slices, remove all the seeds.

2. Soak dried fruits overnight in water, always boiled. In the morning, drain the liquid, rinse the dried fruits again under running water and dry thoroughly on a kitchen towel. This procedure is necessary to eliminate dust or other contaminants.

3. Pass dried fruits through a meat grinder.

4. Scroll the lemon slices through a meat grinder and combine with the total mass.

5. Remove the walnut kernels from the partitions and finely chop them using a sharp knife.

6. Place dried fruits with lemon in a bowl, add nuts, pour honey, mix thoroughly.

7. This is what the resulting mixture should look like.

8. The tasty medicine is stored in a tightly closed glass jar on the top or middle shelf of the refrigerator.

Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture on an empty stomach several times a day, for example, in the morning before breakfast and in the evening before dinner or an hour before going to bed. Children are given 1 teaspoon or dessert spoon, depending on age, twice a day. Academician Amosov's paste acquires particular value in the winter-spring period, when the amount of vitamins in vegetables and fruits is minimal, and the body is weakened by ultraviolet deficiency and raging viruses.

Who can take Amosov paste?

There are no contraindications other than individual intolerance to any of the components of the mixture. The best results can be achieved with systematic use of the paste over a long period of time (from 1 month to six months). Even the smallest children will enjoy this sweet treatment, which they perceive as an ordinary dessert.

Amosov paste: how is it useful?

  1. Strengthens the immune system.
  2. Fights infections.
  3. Restores the body after illness, surgery, heavy physical exertion, nervous exhaustion.
  4. Prevents colds, acute respiratory infections and flu.
  5. Normalizes heart function, strengthens blood vessels, increasing their permeability and elasticity.
  6. Improves sleep.

Recipe for heart porridge for blood pressure

You will need: prunes, raisins, dried apricots, walnuts, fresh hawthorn and rose hips. All ingredients are taken in equal proportions, approximately 150 grams each. Grind the ingredients through a meat grinder or grind in a food processor, add one lemon (also chopped with zest) and 200 grams of honey. Take one tablespoon once a day before meals in the first half of the day.

This medicine is aptly nicknamed “Heart Porridge”.


  • walnut kernels – 100 g;
  • almond kernels (not roasted) – 100 g;
  • blue raisins – 200 gr;
  • dried apricots or apricots (seeds removed first) – 200 g;
  • dried prunes – 200 g;
  • natural bee honey – 250 g;
  • lemon – 3 pcs.;
  • Unrefined sunflower oil (country) – 1 teaspoon;
  • rosehip syrup (sold at the pharmacy) – 200 ml;
  • pharmacy hawthorn tincture - standard bottle, 25 ml.


  1. Pour boiling water over the lemons, wipe with a paper towel, grease the peel with vegetable oil and pass through a meat grinder along with the zest.
  2. Grind dried fruits and nuts using a food processor and combine with lemons.
  3. Add honey, rosehip syrup and hawthorn tincture.
  4. Mix thoroughly and place in a dark glass jar.
  5. The mixture, sealed with a lid, is infused in a dark, cold place (cellar or bottom shelf of the refrigerator) for 10 days.
  6. Take 1 tbsp in the morning. spoon before breakfast.
  7. The entire prepared volume is designed for one course.
  8. It is advisable to carry out this heart treatment twice a year, in spring and autumn.

This medicine is an effective prevention of heart attack, since it supports the normal functioning of the myocardium and prevents any malfunctions.

Amosov's mixture is simply necessary for people suffering from constant heart pain.

All ingredients contain a huge amount of vitamin C, a vital antioxidant for the body. Ascorbic acid not only strengthens the human immune system, but also helps in the absorption of the trace element iron, which is necessary to maintain optimal hemoglobin levels in the blood.

Amosov's mixture can be consumed simply with a cup of tea. This is a proven option for improving the health of all family members, and it’s delicious, too. If you want to always stay in good shape, feel young and full of energy, then prepare Amosov’s mixture for yourself and your loved ones and enjoy active longevity!

There are many folk remedies that supposedly help get rid of all cardiovascular diseases...

Most of them are fake. At best, they will not affect the heart and blood vessels in any way, and at worst, they can even cause harm.

But there are also truly proven and effective methods that are recommended not only by naturopaths, but also by doctors.

One of these proven remedies is a mixture according to the recipe of the Soviet scientist and doctor - Nikolai Mikhailovich Amosov. It has established itself as a remedy that promotes the proper functioning of the heart muscle, the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and strengthening the immune system, which is confirmed by many years of use of this paste by cardiologists and positive reviews from people who have tried it.

What is this paste? How does it affect the cardiovascular system? How to properly prepare and use it? We will look at all this in our article.

What is this mixture and where did it come from?

Amosova pasta got its name from the name of its creator Nikolai Mikhailovich Amosov. This man was a surgeon and scientist. During the war, he saved many people, and later devoted his research to cardiology.

For the first time in the USSR, he performed an operation to implant a heart valve, which was surprising at that time. Later, he himself experienced heart problems and underwent more than one operation.

He was a supporter of healthy eating. In the eighties, based on his research, he developed a special mixture, designed to strengthen the heart muscle and maintain overall immunity.

This hearty porridge is made from dried fruits. It can be taken both after surgery and as a prevention of cardiovascular diseases. It has a pleasant taste and is made from natural ingredients, which makes its composition valuable for blood vessels and the heart.

The products contained in the cocktail are rich in minerals and vitamins, as well as beneficial acids, capable of prolonging longevity and protecting the heart from diseases associated with it.

How to cook it - 7 steps with PHOTO

A mixture of dried fruits and honey is easy to prepare, especially since the products included in the composition are affordable.


So, for the mixture against heart disease you will need:

  • in a proportion of 250 grams;
  • prunes, also 250 grams, but you don’t need to buy dried plums, since they may contain substances harmful to the body;
  • walnut – 250 grams;
  • figs in the amount of 250 grams;
  • from dark grapes in the amount of 250 grams;
  • one lemon;
  • natural honey in the amount of 250 grams.

When choosing honey, you need to give preference to such varieties as: high-mountain, Altai, May or field.

This is what the entire set of ingredients looks like:

If you have everything in stock, you can get started.

Step-by-step instruction

1. First, take a lemon and scald its surface with boiling water. Then they cut it lengthwise and take out the bones.

2. Dried fruits, prepared in advance, are doused with boiling water and placed in boiled water overnight. This is important to remove all harmful impurities from them. In the morning, rinse again and dry on a clean kitchen towel. This will help remove dirt and dust from dried fruits.

3. Dried fruits are ground in a meat grinder.

5. The nuts are cleaned and separated from the partitions using a sharp knife. Then they are finely chopped, the smaller the better.

6. Dried fruits twisted with lemon are placed in a separate container and walnuts are added. Mix everything thoroughly and pour honey.

7. The resulting dish for heart and longevity should be stored on the middle or top shelf of the refrigerator. Then it can retain its freshness for a long time.

This completes the process. As you can see, nothing complicated.

Cooking process on video

There are many video recipes for this pasta on the Internet. We have chosen the 2 most suitable ones for you:

This process takes only 10 minutes:

There is also this option without honey:

And here is the recipe for making sweets from this mixture:

Now let's talk about its effect on the body.

Useful properties of porridge

Amosov’s cocktail allows the body to receive a healthy supply of vitamins and valuable minerals in their natural form. Supplements and vitamins of synthetic origin cannot have such a beneficial effect on the heart and other organs as this composition. It contains dried fruits, which means that the amount of substances useful for organs in them is higher than in ripe fruits.

For the cardiovascular system

Contains dried apricots and prunes many vitamins B and C, as well as vitamin E. They contain natural antioxidants, which protect the heart and blood vessels from harmful effects and help protect the body from cancer.

The conductivity of nerve impulses is restored under the influence of vitamin B and magnesium.

Potassium is required for the normal functioning of the heart. This substance is found in excess in figs. This product is able to thin the blood and prevent the formation of blood clots in the body. In addition, it lowers blood pressure, which will be useful for hypertension.

And, therefore, they have a beneficial effect on the heart, blood flow and protect against the occurrence of atherosclerosis.

Let us remind you that we discussed this in a separate article.

The blood vessels are cleansed and dilated under the influence of lemon and honey. In combination with dried fruits and nuts, it becomes an effective complex for combating cardiovascular diseases.

For other organs and systems of the body

Benefits for the immune system include: mild immunostimulating effect. With it, the body does not need to work hard to develop enough strength to fight diseases.

The immune system is protected with this paste for the following reasons:

  • general and local immunity is strengthened;
  • sleep and the state of the body improves from the inside, which is important for the proper development of protective forces;
  • promotes the localization of redox processes and neutralizes free radicals in the human body.

The human body is often subjected to viral attack, which results in colds. Therefore, the immune system needs to be strengthened in order to have powerful protection against bacteria attacking the body. This is especially important in the winter season, when it is frosty and low outside. Amosov paste is designed specifically to maintain stable immunity and proper functioning of the cardiac system.

Since the dish contains prunes and figs, which have a laxative effect, they affect intestinal activity, where all unnecessary substances come out without delay.

Since the composition contains a high content of vitamin C, and therefore ascorbic acid, it not only helps maintain the vitality of the body, but also promotes the absorption of iron in the body. Iron, in turn, helps organs function smoothly and normalize blood circulation.

Long-term constipation must be treated with drug therapy, but as a complex remedy, the mixture has a certain effect on maintaining intestinal function.

Since it contains lemon, which has a high content of vitamin C, it fills the body with vitamin and gives strength for an active life.

Many people, after a certain time, notice that Amosov’s mixture contributed to an increase in vitality, performance and a surge of energy.

So, Amosov’s paste benefits not only the heart, but also has other benefits:

  • affects the digestive system;
  • reduces blood pressure;
  • cleans blood vessels;
  • promotes protection against cancer due to the presence of natural antioxidants.

How to take it correctly?

DIY mixture It is recommended to consume one tablespoon on an empty stomach. You need to limit yourself to a few doses a day. The resulting product should be taken in the morning before meals and in the evening one hour before bedtime.

For children, the dosage is slightly less: one teaspoon also twice a day before meals.

If an allergy begins after taking the product, then you should stop taking it and find out which component the body is reacting to.

The mixture is sometimes consumed with a cup of tea, and the whole family can do this. Since the composition contains honey, you need to ensure that the tea is sufficiently cooled. Hot water destroys the positive properties of honey and its benefits will be lost.


There are no contraindications for using Amosov paste, since all its components are natural and do not cause adverse reactions, with the exception of individual intolerance of the body to individual products included in the composition.

If you have doubts about the presence of an allergy to a particular product, you should first try a little paste, and if there are no reactions from the body, then take it as recommended, that is, twice a day.

What else should you include in your daily diet?

A person's diet determines his health. Therefore, the food he eats should be made only from healthy products. To properly understand and build a healthy diet, you need to know which foods are considered beneficial for the cardiovascular system, as well as for other organs and an active life.

Useful products include:

  1. Fruits, especially those that contain potassium, are considered to strengthen the body and help prevent cardiovascular diseases. A beneficial effect on the heart should be, if not in daily, then at least in periodic nutrition of a person. and remove toxins from the body and protect the nervous system.
  2. Since berries are a storehouse of vitamins, their consumption should be almost daily. Unless, of course, there is an allergic reaction to a particular berry. The most beneficial for the heart include, and. Viburnum can lower blood pressure and effectively cope with vascular disorders.
  3. Milk products. Many years ago, there was an opinion that milk has no benefits for the condition of blood vessels, but recent studies have proven that this product is beneficial. It has a high calcium content, which is necessary not only for bones, but also for the heart. It is important to remember that too fatty dairy products, such as cottage cheese, full-fat milk or cream, can disrupt the natural balance of microflora. Therefore, you should choose only proven dairy products with normal fat content.
  4. Fish products. Fish should be present in the diet of any person. It contains a high content of omega-3 and other beneficial acids, as well as vitamins, which make up a healthy diet and healthy blood circulation, which directly affects the heart muscle and the condition of the vascular system. It is useful to add fatty varieties of sea fish to your diet: trout, salmon or cod. It is better to avoid canned food, as they contain harmful additives that negatively affect cardiac activity and pollute the body.
  5. Bitter chocolate. Cocoa beans contain a high content of nutrients, which have a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels and the heart. Cleansing blood vessels from toxins and filling the body with useful vitamins can be achieved by eating dark chocolate.

Finally, check out the tips on proper nutrition and lifestyle from the outstanding cardiac surgeon Nikolai Mikhailovich Amosov:


Amosov's mixture is a collection of vitamins and beneficial microelements that can give many years of life. Heart health depends on the right food, and Amosov’s pasta recipe provides everything that is required for the proper functioning of cardiac activity.

The human body often needs to strengthen the immune system, especially during cold weather, contact with sick people, and taking antibiotics. The recipe for a remedy for maintaining immunity from the famous academician Amosov is very popular. In addition to its benefits, it is a tasty treat, so it is suitable for children. Amosov's paste for immunity is simple to prepare; it is only important to know how to store and take it.

What is good for the body

The benefits of the paste are explained by its rich composition, which includes:

  • lemon;
  • walnuts;
  • dried apricots;
  • raisin;
  • figs

Dried fruits are used to make many folk remedies that are useful for colds, pathologies of the cardiovascular system, and other ailments. Most of them contain vitamin complexes, antioxidants, beneficial enzymes, amino acids, and other beneficial substances.

Interesting! Unlike ordinary fresh fruits, which are also rich in vitamins, dried fruits are available all year round - this is a distinctive advantage.

Recipes made from dried fruits are especially useful for the heart, strengthening blood vessels, and maintaining immunity. For example, common ones have the following properties:

  • dried apricots – strengthens vision, stimulates the heart;
  • raisins, prunes - have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system, contain useful mineral salts;
  • figs – helps the proper functioning of the thyroid gland.

Interesting! When choosing raisins, it is better to opt for dark varieties; they contain more useful microelements.

Step-by-step cooking recipe

It is better to prepare dried fruits yourself. If this is not possible, you need to carefully approach the issue of their choice. The main criteria that require attention when choosing are:

  • they must be intact;
  • there must be no rot, mold, or unpleasant odor;
  • excessive brightness and color saturation are a sign of chemical treatment; naturally dried fruits turn gray;
  • should not be too greasy.

Let's look at the pasta recipe step by step:

  1. We prepare the main ingredients: take half a kilo of raisins, prunes, dried apricots, and figs. Wash them in cold water, then steam hot, leave until cool, then cold again, dry. It is necessary to remove dried tails from dried apricots and raisins, if any remain.
  2. Take 1-2 lemons, depending on their size and taste preferences. Wash thoroughly, dry, cut into small slices.
  3. Scroll dried fruits through a meat grinder along with lemon. The result should be a mixture with the consistency of porridge.
  4. Take 200 g of walnuts, remove the kernels, chop them with a knife. There is no need to do this too finely; one nut should yield about 8 pieces.
  5. Add a mixture of lemons and dried fruits to the nuts, add 0.5 liters of fresh honey, stir. The vitamin mixture is ready for use.

Advice! It is best to soak dried fruits and leave them overnight. During this time, all existing harmful substances will be released. As for honey, Amosov advised taking exclusively fresh, liquid honey. Particularly useful are such types of this product as alpine, field, and flower.

You can also prepare the paste with the addition of other dried fruits and nuts. Some people like ginger paste. To do this, you need to take about 50 g of root and grind it along with other ingredients in a meat grinder. The benefits of pasta for immunity increase with the addition of various nuts, especially almonds.

How to take and store

Adults are recommended to take 1 tbsp of paste. l. twice a day: the first time on an empty stomach in the morning, the second time before dinner. If you do this while eating, the nutritional power of dried fruits is noticeably reduced. Some people do not have the opportunity to take the remedy between lunch and dinner, then this is done before bed, so that at least 2-3 hours have passed since the last meal.

Important! Some, especially young girls, consider Amosov's paste to be too high-calorie health elixir. It is really nutritious, but it contains much less calories than usual sweets - candies, cakes.

For children, the dosage should be reduced - instead of 1 tbsp. l. at one time it is necessary to give 1 tsp. If after this you want to drink sweets, you can take plain water or a little warm milk.

The duration of use of the paste is at least one month, it can increase to six months. In some families, the academician’s recipe is seasonal - all family members take it in the fall, when the cold sets in, and then in the spring, when the body is weakened.

Are there any contraindications

There is only one contraindication to the use of Amosov paste - intolerance by the body to one of the components included in the composition. However, this problem is easy to solve - the dried fruit can be excluded and replaced with another. If you are allergic to honey or lemon, it is more difficult to find a replacement for these products.

Important! Some people mistakenly believe that they are allergic to any honey, considering skin rashes to be the cause of consuming honey. You can take special tests to determine the type of product that causes an allergy; for example, it may be a reaction only to a flower.

Doctors also advise pregnant women to limit their consumption of pasta. Its components, especially honey and walnuts, are strong allergens. There is a possibility that the condition of the expectant mother will worsen, as well as problems with the child’s health after birth, for example, the risk of developing diabetes.

Amosov's paste is a unique analogue of synthetic drugs that strengthen the immune system, widely used among adults and children. The main benefit is to strengthen the immune system, cardiovascular and other body systems. The product is easy to prepare, and there are practically no contraindications.

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